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clio 182 racing blue turbo build

  clio 182
The manifold arrive ! It's actually pretty good for one cheap from America so just gotta order the pipework next !


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  clio 182
Ordered some 4 pot brembos from the megane for stopping power which arrived just gotta paint them recondition them and buy the brackets for them to fit ! Also will need braided lines so anyone selling megane front braided lines would be sweet! !


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  clio 182
Also ordered a rale and fuel reg with return hose from @Andyrg@ ClioTurbo with great customer services !
hopefully be able to order stuff in the future if need be and able to !
Will look to get boost pipes next and I am trying to get some trendlines fitted in the smurf so any for sale please message me
  clio 182
Bought some lovely blue and black alacantra recaro trendlines, all fitted, ordered the clio cage for sale on ebay, so that's on its way, just gotta order the harnesses next to go with it!!

ive seen this clio turbo custom manifold! looks great , wouldn't mind buying one myself for the turbo build!!
  clio 182
Right so I have ordered the walbro pump, helix paddle clutch, ordering the gt2560r tomorrow, gen 90 ecu next week fingers crossed, pipework should arrive tomorrow! Bought an engine so I can start building! I mounted my cage today so looks great with the trendlines :D v6 spoiler and turinis on just gotta add the brembos next :D

Hoping to get this turbo done and running by July
  clio 182
All the parts I've got under my bad atm are:

Ph2 fuel modified fuel rail
Ph1 fuel sender with a walbro 255 pump
630 cc injectors
Megane headgasket kit
Turbo Manifold
Gt2560r turbo
Evo led gauges
Gen 90 ecu
Bottom End gasket kit
All seals etc
Uprated main bearings and big bearings
Thrust washers
Integreted key crank pulley
Boost pipes and hoses
Megane piston and rods
Arp bolts
Megane 225 brembos
Clio braided lines
Clio Crank bolts
Clio Headbolts
New piston rings
Supertech valves which are now lapped into head
Uprated valve springs
New collets
New water and oil pump

There's other stuff I can't think out of top of my head lol but serious amount of lack of room atm lol
  clio 182
Having abit of trouble with finding the correct bolt for turbo to manifold, I bought some m10 escort cosworth nut and studs, the studs fit in manifold perfect but the turbo flange holes don't fit around the m10 nuts ? What shall I do or do I have order specific bolts? It seem as if the turbo has m8 fittings but the manifold has 10mm thread....@Andyrg@ ClioTurbo
Don't drill the turbine housing as its quite tight and you won'tbe able to tighten the M10 nuts.

You need step down studs, M10 one side 8 the other.
  clio 182

Thanks mate appreciated! Also I am thinking of using standard pressure plate with helix paddle will this work? I've seen other people use it as I'm using it as a daily, I got the paddle and have ordered standard presser plate but a mate of mine says it'll slip straight away but why would it if alot people use this lol?
  clio 182
to confim I have ordered the rest of my parts
oil feed kit
downpipe kit
map sensor

19 row oil cooler arrived today also. megane brembo 225 brackets will be here Saturday for me to put on which im so excited for !

planning on rebuilding the engine fully next week and ready to put in after my mates back from holiday. so hope to get this on the road end of june and mapped in july! EXCITING times!!

any recommendations on the oil return in terms of drilling, im using the ktec kit>?
I only ever used the full helix clutch in mine mate, so really couldn't comment on using the standard cover with a helix fiction plate.

I'm not going to lie though, they are horrible LoL
  clio 182
Right so and update!

Started rebuilding the block new piston rings and put on forged conrods on my megane pistons so will be able to safely hit 300bhp without worrying about my rods bending.

All that I need to do is order vacuum pipe for the bov and gauges etc... and find a yard to use for engine replacement etc...

  clio 182
SO i am starting stripping the car down tonight ready for engine to be taken out and replace it with the new turbo lump!
im so excited but on the other hand nervous aswell!!!
might be lokong to sell my recaro trendlines in blue to replace with either sparco buckets or recaro pole positions! but not sure yet.
get the turbo lump started first!
  clio 182
So this weekend. The engine is in and it is alive - few issues tho.

Forge silicone hoses the heater matrix pipe leaks at the joiner - the diameter of the pipe is way to big so I guess this is popular? But I have contsct forge for this....

The link pipe supplied by ktec doesn't fit properly it has pushed mu exhaust against the floor and it was near enough impossible to fit it -

Had to remove the wheel arch liner as there boost pipes were in the way... which was a strange one

The last one of all ktec had said to me I could run 630cc injectors on the base map but the car is over fuelling massively - it kept cutting out as soon as I went to change into 2nd after throttle - checked the spark plugs and they are covered in black - the black smoke was unbelievable when first drove it so I have sent a complaint to ktec - I feel ktec havent been helpful at all at stages but I hope they sort this - I don't fancy chucking my yozza to make an exhaust fit as it fitted before and I love it and I feel if that has to be the option ktec should supply this as it is their product that has caused this.

Other than all this I'm really happy it's running hopefully I can sort the little things out.
  clio 182
update - been a month now since the engine went in - standard injectors are in and have done about 500 miles now running the engine in on base map -
Exhaust blow is sorted but still vibrating against floor so abit annoying !
Oil pressure gauge now working and boost gauge but seems to be temperamental on what boost it reads - sometimes when started it will read -10 then turn it off and back on it'll read 0 and will work when driving.... thinking it maybe a dodgy vacuum hose so I've ordered new hosing.

Niggles to sort:
Oil leak from temporary oil return pipe (ordered new pipe)
Oil leak from either sandwich plate for cooler or the sump but need to see where it's coming from - (hope it's not sump as need to lower sub frame to get sump off.)

Mapping is booked for 4th November so only a week or so till I can really give it its first burst!!!
  clio 182
So the time has come - tomorrow I'm heading up to ktec for my mapping. Leaving at 6 am in the morning, they are looking it over before it mapped to double check if there's any issues.
Had to remove both arch liners now as the other one was cap and was rubbing at 40. Stupid things!

Wish me luck tomorrow and I hope to be driving back not towing it back!
  clio 182

Update " today was a rrallllllllly long day! Ktec checked everything over sorted any leaks like oil feed and return etc... before it went for it first initial run andy noticed something wasn't right - the fuel pressure was 6.5 bar that would explain the smell of fuel constantly , he fitted a bleed valve for boost and oil and filter change as oil stank of fuel. He is in middle of testing lambda as that may need replacing. He wants t have a full day so he can map it properly, I got to go back up to ktec on Friday to pick it up so fingers crossed no more time delay as today was abot of a long and wasteful day off!!
  clio 182
Another update :

Was just heading upto ktec to pick car up it was only just as I left I got a call from andy.

The situation is good but again another niggle.

1st - andy said at .5 bar it made 225 bhp with 210 lbft torque at 3000 rpm.
2nd. Once andy started wheeling more boost the cooling system started to boil, he inspected the cooling system in which he explained needs to be re arranged...
His objective is to hit 1.2-1.3 bar and thinks this will hit the region of the 290- 300 barrier which is very good to hear!

But again I've got to wait and wait for ktecs new bill which I can feel it's gonna be more money I don't have .
Fingers crossed.
