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CLIO IV RS - Trophy from page 111

  Clio V6
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news


I don't think the Renault badge is big enough, perhaps they could cover the whole bonnet with it!


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I know it's only a small detail but I hate the RS badge being in the center, looks so much better on the side of the grill... just me or anyone agree!?
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

The Future "Clio Cup" for the EUROCUP Championship in the WSR

AND one information (real or not we dont know, "wait and see") given by a French specialist & journalist in the French magazine AUTO-PLUS -->

AN EXTREME COMMERCIAL VERSION OF THE CLIO 4RS which will be build in 2014 (if the economic crisis is over for me ^^) to re-lauch an old legend in the racing Clio :

LADIES & GENTLEMEN THE NEW CLIO WILLIAMS (base on the 4 RS thus) in 2014 (Cross the fingers ^^)

The same engine but with 225hp ... that is good <3

Maybe it will look like that


Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

That cup spoiler looks stupid. And I have a clio. So there.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I know it's only a small detail but I hate the RS badge being in the center, looks so much better on the side of the grill... just me or anyone agree!?

Yes, first thing i'd do is take it off!
  RB182cup&golf gti
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I think this car is bloody lovely and miles nicer looking and more modern than the existing 200. Makes my 182 look prehistoric - still love it though and it's staying :)
Anyone have any ideas when they'll be available to order? Next summer? That Williams shop looks mint as well.
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

And for all those owners of German car here and who dont like the front side in the same time (photoshop made by a member of a French Forum ^^)

With the Front side of the Porsche 918 lol


With the front side of the VW Golf 6R LOL

  An orange one
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I dislike it more everytime I see it,

headlights are huuuuge
badge is huuuuuuggeee
door mirrors are huuuuuugeee
arches are not wide

its just a boring tall narrow 5 door hatch to me
CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I like the golf front shop :eek:

Now I've no complaints about that cup spoiler on actual cup but if were on a road car it looks a bit silly
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news


A guy who works at Renault and worked sometimes for Renault Sport say to us in a forum : OK it is an engine come from Nissan, normal in the Trust Renault-Nissan it's an usal thing to share the engines to decrease the production costs, BUT this is a Renault Sport engine "re-built" and re-think by and for Renault Sport

Wait & see now the performances of this Clio 4RS on roads and tracks to see if it always is a RS car...


Engine & gearbox

The Turbo (behind) and the high-pressure pump (in the right)

The modine system (sorry I dont know how you call it in english and the UK) IN STOCK VERSION


ClioSport Club Member
  T5, Ariel Atom 300
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Isnt the car officially lower and wider than the 200??

Every photo i see it looks taller and narrower


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

A little late now but I was fortunate enough to attend the Paris Motor Show to view/touch and feel the new RS Clio!

I did my best to ignore all the negativity in here and else where because, let's be honest, no one here has driven it, very few have seen it in real life or sat in it and it's new so everyone is automatically dismissive!

So the exterior might not be as 'RenaultSport' as everyone would like but it's still definitely a RenaultSport that even the purists will appreciate and recognise when you get to drive it, Jean Maxime Boulanger assured us of this!

What I instantly fell in love with, was the interior. If it drives as well or better than how the interior looked and felt, we will all be very happy with what Renault are now offering us.

I haven't really got any pictures that are any different or better than what's already been posted but I went all that way so I'm posting them anyway.










Last edited:


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

The interior looks amazing. I really like the car as a whole other than the wing mirrors. I don't like where they are mounted but i suppose i can get over that.
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Interesting informations of your own feelling after see really this new 4RS and very nice pics too :drunk:
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Rear profile: I like
Side profile: I like
Front profile: vomit. everywhere.

Yet people still bought the 200 lol :p

No Brembo 4 pots? I've switched off past this point, IMO best feature of the previous RS.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Looks good, will look awesome not in yellow.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Nice to see they're still raiding the mk2 parts bin for a couple of the switches
  182 CUP
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

These are pics of 2 diiferent cars right, different diffusers and exhausts. Unless they change shape dependent on which way you look at them.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I hate the way it looks. Hate.

Still going to test drive one, but that small capacity, turbocharged Nissan lump is probably the least 'Renaultsport' addition to the car. Sad times.
