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CLIO IV RS - Trophy from page 111

  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Test of the "little" version TCe 90hp (engine 3 cylinders 0.9L turbo ^^)

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  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

And a full black 4RS on a hightway ^^

At the opposite of the old version I dont like the Full black for the 4RS, too flat and for me that does not put the lines of the car in nice value

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Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I'm liking it. Despite it looking more and more like the result of a filthy night between a Golf and an Ibiza.

Rear windows though? What's going on there? From the inside they look über guff.
(Yes, it's for the door handle, I know)
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I'm liking it. Despite it looking more and more like the result of a filthy night between a Golf and an Ibiza.

Rear windows though? What's going on there? From the inside they look über guff.
(Yes, it's for the door handle, I know)

it is a test car thus I suppose many measuring devices hidden in the rear

And the driver and ingeneer of Renault Sport in the 4RS see just with curiosity the guy on the car with its camera ^^
  172 Ph.1, 255 Ph.2
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Just seen this car again and its uber ugly IMO :( least it sounds pretty nice.
  Looking for 182
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

And a full black 4RS on a hightway ^^

At the opposite of the old version I dont like the Full black for the 4RS, too flat and for me that does not put the lines of the car in nice value


It just looks like any other car on the road. Boring.
  Clio 200
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I'm liking it. Despite it looking more and more like the result of a filthy night between a Golf and an Ibiza.

Rear windows though? What's going on there? From the inside they look über guff.
(Yes, it's for the door handle, I know)

Agreed. I'm having real difficulty with the rear with its 'fat backside'. From the inside it seems crazier, as the rear window looks as big as a porthole!


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I still can't help but see a Leon when I look at it.

And I know what I'd rather buy if I had £20k knocking about...
  172 Ph.1, 255 Ph.2
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Made a little ps just for fun.
As i dont like the massive diamond i just shrinked it a little bit =)
I actually like it now, such a shame it will never be like this

Normal (already ps'd)

Smaller Diamond

Just another color
  RB FF 182
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Made a little ps just for fun.
As i dont like the massive diamond i just shrinked it a little bit =)
I actually like it now, such a shame it will never be like this

Normal (already ps'd)

Smaller Diamond

Just another color
amazing how much better it looks like that. Although still looks too much like a golf/Ibiza/Leon etc. nice job on the ps. Would it really take much to mod it to this or similar?
  Clio 200 Silverstone
Clio 4 RS revealed

Here are two photos of what the RS clio 4 will look like when it is launched. Looks much better that the normal clio.


Sorry about small photos. Don't know how to make them bigger :(
  Not a 320d
Re: Clio 4 RS revealed

Well done Renault. They have really fucked this one up. The 200 wasnt great but Ive learned to accept that disgraceful front bumper. But this is a new monstrosity in its own right. The designer needs to be placed in a cauldron of water, with a well fueled fire beneath it, and boiled alive.
  Clio 2.0 RS 172 Ph1
Re: Clio 4 RS revealed

Well done Renault. They have really f**ked this one up. The 200 wasnt great but Ive learned to accept that disgraceful front bumper. But this is a new monstrosity in its own right. The designer needs to be placed in a cauldron of water, with a well fueled fire beneath it, and boiled alive.

RS can only work with what Renault give them as a canvas. I love the idea of torque and a usable every day car that can cope with one or two track days a year.
  GW Stage 2 R26
Re: Clio 4 RS revealed

RS can only work with what Renault give them as a canvas. I love the idea of torque and a usable every day car that can cope with one or two track days a year.

Buy a Megane then... Not really what the clios all about.. Although I don't dislike it.. Just think it's a massive shame they have dropped N/A
  Clio 200 Silverstone
Re: Clio 4 RS revealed

Maybe the facelift will make them look better. They have done it for all the rest. Just wait a year :p
  RS6 C7
Re: Clio 4 RS revealed

The front ends seem to be getting worse with every new model.

The 200 was just about acceptable but this is a step too far. f**k me that's an ugly car.
  S4 Avant
Re: Clio 4 RS revealed

I don't like it, it looks like a Citroen. I'm sure it will drive nice, but LY does it no favours and it looks to plain. Not for me.
  GW Stage 2 R26
Re: Clio 4 RS revealed

I bet it's good though.. Or it'll be alright with a good chassis underneath.. And it'll slowly get better with each makeover untill they do a groundbreaking special edition..


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

it is still September, right?

Personally i think the front end looks ace, more aggressive than that blobby abortion of the 200



Gay dated blobby looking thing,


Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

The worst ever picture of the 200 keeps appearing in here. Looks better in real life :)
  RS250 Megane
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I love how whenever anyone wants to make the 200 look bad, they whip out the AG on silver wheels press photo.

I want to like the new Clio. But 5 doors is an abortion. And I could live in those wheel arches.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I love how whenever anyone wants to make the 200 look bad, they whip out the AG on silver wheels press photo.

I want to like the new Clio. But 5 doors is an abortion. And I could live in those wheel arches.

NAh its just me, as in my mind its how they look ;)

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