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Clio Rip

  197-I love!!!
This is amazing-My Mother in Law-She's 85!!! Skidded went through the hedge rolled twice in the air and came down like this-came out without a scratch on her and then said to the Ambulance people that she wants to be a Stuntwoman when she grows up!!!


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  Mondeo STTDCI
Trevor said:
and then said to the Ambulance people that she wants to be a Stuntwoman when she grows up!!!

Definitely pissed then! lol

Glad she's ok mate :)
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
lol why is it that old people seem to come out ok in crashs where as we just die lol. a 90yo guy in south molton went right thru a fence and down a 30 foot drop, car was a complete mess, yet he stepped out ok with just a bleeding lip! how do they do it! lol


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
rory182 said:
old people go limp when they fall etc, like babies so they come out undamaged.

^^^^^^ LMAO at the limp old person .

You can get little blue pills for that i hear ;)

MrBillyUK !
  197-I love!!!
I don't think she was going that fast-I think the car Aquaplaned-there was no one else involved!!!
