An email has just gone out to all ticket purchasers with important event information in it. I've posted it all below too:
ClioSport Festival 2019 - Important Event Information
ClioSport Festival 2019 is almost here, and this years show is set to be our greatest ever with record breaking demand for track time and ticket sales. We are massively thankful that you've decided to join us.
Please read all the information in this email to ensure you are aware of the timings and workings of the event,
Your e-ticket
When you placed your order, you will have been sent a confirmation email / e-ticket.
Please bring your e-ticket with you to the event and show on the gate to receive your ticket pack. We prefer you to bring a printed copy to help speed things up, but you can show it us on your phone if this is not possible.
You will be given your entry wristbands, passenger/additional driver passes, complimentary food voucher(s), and car sticker at the ticket checkpoint on the day.
Please stop and wait until a member of the event team admits you. Do not enter without having received your tickets, otherwise you will miss out on important parts of you ticket pack which cannot be replaced once you have entered.
If you have bought tickets across more than one order please bring confirmation of each of them with you to the gate.
If you cannot find your e-ticket / confirmation email (subject Event Tickets) please check your Spam / Junk email folders and contact a team member at immediately.
On receiving your ticket pack at the gate, please make sure all people in your car put on their wristbands before driving into the show area. Entry wristbands should be worn at all times throughout the weekend and anyone found not wearing one may be asked to leave.
Saturday Daytime Parking
This year we have a greater attendance from people affiliated to a number of different car clubs & groups. If you are attending on Saturday only, we will attempt to direct you to a parking area designated to your club. Please state your club at the gate. Due to the weekend nature of the event some of your fellow club members may be parked in the campsite area or on track, so it may not be possible to get you all together in one location. If you wish to pre-arrange to meet up outside or convoy in together this would assist in keeping you all together.
Track Session Information
Main track drivers for each session will be on a list in the track sign-on office, and you will need to
show your driving licence to identify yourself. You will need to sign on at the track office and attend a
mandatory safety briefing in order to be allowed on track. Please check the timetable below for times. No driver will be permitted on track if they do not attend a briefing.
NEW THIS YEAR: If you have purchased an Additional Driver or Passenger Pass in advance, a voucher for these will be in your ticket pack. You will need to take this to the track sign-on desk as proof of purchase to complete paperwork and exchange for the necessary wristband.
If you wish to buy additional driver / passenger passes on the day, a team member we will be at the sign on desk for purchases between 8.00am - 9.00am. After this please visit the ClioSport shop marquee to purchase before heading to sign on. Professional Instruction and Helmet Hire will be available to purchase direct from MOT Trackdays at the track sign on office.
Anyone wishing to go out on track will need their
arms and legs covered up, so bring suitable clothing.
Remember you must
bring your driving licence!
Alcohol Consumption
While we intend this event to primarily be a social gathering, please be aware that it is a condition of track regulations that no alcohol should be consumed on site while the track day is in operation.
No Driver OR PASSENGER shall be permitted on the track if they are suspected to have consumed alcohol and anyone seen doing so while wearing either a driver or passenger wristband will be asked to remove them and will no longer have access to the circuit.
We would kindly ask that people wait until after 5.00pm when the track closes before consuming any alcohol they have brought with them. We greatly appreciate your full co-operation with this.
Friday Evening Arrivals (Full Weekend Ticket required)
Please be reminded of the strict entry times stated on the Event Timetable for arriving on Friday evening.
No entry will be permitted until 5.30pm, and
gates will be closed at 10.30pm permitting no further access until they open again at 8.00am in the morning.
Lunchtime Meal Voucher
With every admission ticket you have purchased you will be given a lunchtime meal voucher for a complimentary meal from the Blyton Park Clubhouse Cafe located to the left of the large green hangar.
The voucher can be redeemed for one of the meal choices below:
- Cheeseburger & Chips
- Bacon Burger & Chips
- Double Cheeseburger (no chips)
- Pulled Pork, Stuffing, Apple Sauce and Chips
- Toastie with 2 fillings, Chips and Salad garnish
- Fresh Salad (ham, cheese,pickle etc) with a buttered roll
- Lasagne & Chips or Garlic Bread *
- Baguette with Crisps & Cold Drink *
- Jacket Potato with 2 fillings and Salad garnish *
* For these items, please place an order before 10am at the cafe so they can be pre-prepared for you.
The cafe will be open throughout the day so it's your choice when to use the voucher, but expect it to be very busy around the track lunch break.
The busiest period for lunch orders is between 12.00-1.30pm. If you visit during this time you are likely to experience queues of 30 minutes or more, so if you are able to visit out of these times we would recommend it. You can go in earlier in the day and pre-order for a specific time slot if you wish.
Please be respectful to the cafe staff, they work very hard all day to cook everything fresh to order in a small hot kitchen.
Further snacks can be purchased throughout the day if you wish. The cafe is open to purchase breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Evening Meal Voucher (Full Weekend Ticket holders only)
Don’t forget that those of you with a Full Weekend Ticket get a second complimentary meal!
On Saturday evening The Spitting Pig Lincolnshire company will be serving a slow roasted American BBQ Feast.
Make sure yo keep hold of your neon yellow
Evening Meal Voucher from your ticket packs as you will need to hand this over to be served with your meal.
Charity Raffle in aid of Mind
A well established feature of ClioSport Festival is our charity raffle. This year's chosen charity is Mind, the mental health charity. Thanks to our generous forum traders we have been able to gather our best ever range of fantastic raffle prizes for you to win!
To be in for a chance, please visit the large black ClioSport Merchandise Marquee to purchase your tickets!
Raffle prizes will be drawn after the completion of the afternoon track session at around 5.30pm. Winners must be present at the draw with their winning ticket otherwise another ticket will be drawn until all prizes are claimed.
Event Location
Blyton Park Driving Centre, Old Blyton Airfield, Kirton Road, Blyton, Gainsborough. DN21 3PE
Click Here for full location details, directions and map
Event Timetable