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CSF20 ClioSport Festival 2020 - Cancellation Announcement


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
ClioSport Festival 2020 - Cancellation Announcement

We are sad to announce that the event team have today made the difficult decision to cancel ClioSport Festival 2020, due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

Like all of us, we have been monitoring the news and advice continually over recent weeks with the hope that there would eventually be some clarity around future restrictions on social gatherings and what they would mean for our event.

While the latest announcements from the government offer some hope of future relaxation of restrictions, it is still highly likely that there will be need for significant social distancing measures to be adhered to by the date of the show.

After discussion with the venue and suppliers, we are all in agreement that enforcing social distancing at an event of our size would neither be possible or enjoyable. The safety and wellbeing of our staff, exhibitors and visitors is our number one priority, and we feel even trying to maintain social distancing would severely compromise a show which always has socialising at its core.

I would like to thank all of the team for their time and hard work in organising the event and thank everyone who has bought tickets and promoted the event for their fantastic support.

Why not delay instead of cancelling?

Before coming to this decision, we looked at the option of postponing to a later date in the year. Unfortunately, the only date available to us in late October would not necessarily be COVID-19 restriction free, and the weather would likely be undesirable for an outdoor weekend long event where camping is concerned.

What happens now with my booking?

All ticket and track bookings will shortly be cancelled and automatically refunded to the original payment method. You should see the refund on your account approximately 5-10 business days later.

You do not need to take any action, your refund will be automatically actioned.

Please email if you have any further queries.

What about next year?

We really can’t wait to get everyone back together again, so will announce details of the 2021 event as soon as possible, normally towards the end of the year. We hope it will be bigger and better than ever to make up for the loss of this years show!


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Wet sad news, I look forward to it more than the family holiday! 😂

But needs must. Totally understand where you need to be as a responsible organisation.

And people of CS, please see the “5-10 business days!” For the refund. Please don’t harass an already busy admin team or they’ll get mad and cry. And you don’t want to see Kirsty angry...


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Gutted. 😫😢
Maybe I should have gone for the refundable hotel option 🤣

I want to thank the entire Admin team for their continuous hard work and dedication 👏🏼 🍻

Roll on 2021 and a better year!
Take care and stay safe xx


ClioSport Club Member
That's it, 2020 is a complete disaster now!

We all probably expected it to be fair. Its definitely the right decision and we'll make up for it next year for sure. Stay safe everyone👍.


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
Gutted but responsible/inevitable
Sorry for all your hard work to go to waste

Think its just cos @Old Tarby! Got a monk on that I wasn't bringing a bottle of piss cider this year


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Nightmate! It's the only place the Yorkshire lot actually meet! Thanks for all the work put in, i'm sure you're incredibly gutted yourselves but its definitely the correct decision to make.

Maybe @leeds2592 will have his clio fixed for 2021? Did you already have the stickers made out of interest?


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
Gutted. 😫😢
Maybe I should have gone for the refundable hotel option 🤣

Not sure where you are booked in, but Travelodge are offering cancellation for voucher or rebooking on Saver Rate (usually non-cancellable) rooms for July bookings, so at least you can use another time or for next years show.


ClioSport Club Member
Totally understandable and almost expected, as much as we all hoped it wouldn't happen.

We've had 9 consecutive CSS's & CSF's which has grown more popular over the years since the 1st one in 2011. Can't take anything away from the CS staff and admin as they have done there best for this to continue. Unfortunately many events this year will be cancelled and its just unfortunate that this is one of them.

I would like to say thank you to all at CS that tried this year and still remained to try, even after the current situation. All members hoped this wouldn't have been cancelled, but alas, it is. Health and safety is top priority, which this is what they have considered.


ClioSport Club Member
Ball sacks.
I look forward to this event hugely. LeMans has been shifted. My other track day group event at Anglesey been binned and now this.


ClioSport Club Member
We haven't made them yet due to the uncertainty.

I'm considering making a small run of 'CSF20 COVID Cancellation' stickers for the lols and for people to keep the run of stickers going. Watch this space.
Make ones that say CSF20 and then a big red 'RIP' over the front of it pls 😂


ClioSport Club Member
As someone who hasn't bought a ticket but is still will ing to and also willing to buy and actually come why not take a poll and see about keeping the ticket money (less track day money) to put towards an extra special 2021 reunion?

I'll pay my ticket this year and also buy one up front for next year


ClioSport Club Member
  Hi comp phase 1
What about the actual trackday. Can that not happen? That’s if their open


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
What about the actual trackday. Can that not happen? That’s if their open

We did consider keeping the option open to run just a socially distanced track day.

Unfortunately Blyton are currently only going to allow a max of 24 attendees to any club days which might be able to go ahead in June. This might change by July but again no guarantee, and we don't want to continue with further uncertainty.

Also the finances of the event are structured around the whole weekend and it's likely that once we'd refunded the people that no longer wanted to travel just for the track time, it would no longer be financially viable.


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
As someone who hasn't bought a ticket but is still will ing to and also willing to buy and actually come why not take a poll and see about keeping the ticket money (less track day money) to put towards an extra special 2021 reunion?

I'll pay my ticket this year and also buy one up front for next year

That's a nice gesture, but don't worry. We were also going to look at options to allow people to move their tickets to next year etc, but to be honest anything like this will all just make processing refunds and taking next years bookings even more complicated. We are fortunate that we shouldn't take too much of a hit with this cancellation so there will still be a good budget for next years show.

The best thing people can do if they want to do more is to keep renewing their club memberships as this really does help subsidise and secure the funding for the show on top of any ticket revenue.


ClioSport Club Member
Gutted but expected in the current circumstances.

On a positive note, roll on 2021 CSF


ClioSport Club Member
  Liquid Yellow 182
Absolutley gutted.Always the best weekend of the year for me but completely understand in the current circumstances. It will make 2021 even better.

Thank you to all the admin team for all the hard work and effort put in to organise these events, you smash it every time. Stay safe everyone, see you next year [emoji1360]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Absolutley gutted.Always the best weekend of the year for me but completely understand in the current circumstances. It will make 2021 even better.

Thank you to all the admin team for all the hard work and effort put in to organise these events, you smash it every time. Stay safe everyone, see you next year [emoji1360]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Have to put the LY back on sorn until 2021 show and shine now!

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
As above.
Gutted it got cancelled

Understandable though and looking forward to next year's.
