Well, that was an absolute belter of a weekend! I just wish I could have spent the entirety of it with you guys and gals.
(Apologies in advance if I miss/forget your name - I was so fortunate to speak to so many kind, genuine and funny people during my time there on Saturday! I'm also getting a bit old now and my memory isn't what it used to be!)
Firstly, a MASSIVE thanks to the CSF event team/task force who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make this happen and who help ensure that it all runs smoothly from start to finish. I really can't thank you enough, this year's CSF was exceptional.
@Nik @Kirsty @Brian @Owen @Sunglasses_Ron @Daniel - and everyone else involved. Credit and thanks to you all. I've no idea how you are going to top it next year... And yes, Owen is one of the most humble and pleasant gentlemen I've ever had the good fortune of meeting.

Daniel is just epic. Fact.
Secondly, I'd like to thank those of you who took time out of your day to chat cars, life, work, GT4RS, sandals and lottery tickets, and whatever else. As said, apologies if I forget to mention you but, hand on heart, I enjoyed chatting/meeting you - even if only briefly. Where to start...
@Cub. - thanks for your time and chatting throughout the day, sir. A pleasure as it always is and that fan was a stroke of genius. And that Alfa is something else! Thanks for the passenger ride - it's a beast and makes a lovely noise (well, it did when I could hear it above my girly giggles). Thanks for jumping into the GT4 and joining me for a local B-road blast as well. I hope that gave you a little taster as to why I absolutely love the thing!
@Stefan. @Ash J - gentlemen, enjoyed spending large parts of the day just idly chatting with you both. Thanks for making an old man feel welcome and I hope we can do it again sometime!
@Filters - luff you man, catch you soon. Sorry I didn't get more time to chat with you and Em but we can soon remedy that.
@DaveDreads - I don't have the words... honestly, you're a star mate. Always happy to spend time chatting with you and thanks for reciprocating.
@Flat Eric - Chris, always good to catch up with you and your lovely wife, Jess. Thanks for hopping in the GT4 and joining me for a leisurely spin on the local roads.
@Sash @LY_Kimmy_182 - ladies, great to see and chat with you - thanks for your time. Sash, I can do you the clutch pack for a grand and I know a mate of a mate of a bruv who is good with Renault diesel mappin'. I can pass on his deets. Kim - the LY looked stunning as always. Incredible.
@MarkCup - Cayman fwend! After enjoying your videos and posts for many years, it was great to finally meet and chat with you. A genuine pleasure, sir - thank you. Absolutely love the Cayman, too. I do hope that I will get an opportunity to jump into the passenger seat with you at some point. I know you hate it... but your videos make for great viewing mate. Seriously!
@GiT - absolutely honoured you took time from your lottery-funded holiday to turn up in your lottery-funded GR Yaris.

Great meeting you mate!
@Gus - good to see you mate, and loving the Porker Turbo! Get it washed quickly before those marks get etched into the lovely paintwork!
@Sir_Dave - it had been a few years but, regardless, really good to see you again! Llandow seems such a long time ago. Probably because it was. I'll be in touch about that 300k I need for the new car!

All the best fella!
@Danith - loved the MX5 mate and you looked really at home in it out on track. Just shows that a well-pedalled car doesn't need loads of power to be fun and enjoyable. I hope the merch is ok!
@Waitey - Cobra. Epic. Top gent. Great to meet you and see that awesome machine, thanks for bringing it along.
@RMDavis - thanks for introducing yourself and taking time to chat fella, a pleasure to meet you. The VRS looks fantastic and I was sorry to hear about the coolant pipe split. I hope we get an opportunity to chat more again at some point down the line. All the best mate!
(I think I might have to speed this up a bit as I had intended to keep this short and sweet...)
@Touring_Rob @Clio_fool @Yorkshire Pudding @dann2707 @Daz... @Coops Mk1 @Jekyll @The Crop Duster @Jonnio - gentlemen, a pleasure to meet you and thanks for the entertainment and/or conversation - no matter how brief it may have been. I just hope you enjoyed the weekend (or day) as much as I did and I look forward to doing it again next year. Hopefully for the whole weekend though!
You know what? I think I'll leave it there.

I've already been typing for far too long! I know there are good people who I met and have forgotten to mention; to you good folks... I apologise and promise to do better next year.
On a serious note, I would like to say a final thanks once again to those who offered such kind words and support given the somewhat difficult times I'm going through at the moment (and have done for the last handful of months). It's hard to express just how beneficial your time, conversation and, indeed, a weekend event like this, have been for me mentally. I have never known such a genuine and strong club/group as this where, underneath all the jibes and banter, there exists a compassionate and caring membership who are happy to help out a fellow member. Bloody legends! The lot of ya! ❤️
(The bidding is now around the £290k mark, I'm definitely out - FML).