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Cliosport Saturday - 30th July 2011


ClioSport Club Member
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era - 30th July 2011

I'm definitely up for camping, as I said in another post. Just waiting to see if my passenger (another CS member) is too!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Strange, it's an extra fiver to save hassle on the day.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
So is the night out + hotel still going ahead, or is the plan to camp and get beered up?
  SG9 Forester STi
Camping on the Saturday night. You know you want to camp and have drinks and burgers with us all Matt :approve:.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
For the lols yes, for the comfort no.

Where would I plug my ghd's in? :eek:
You should have seen how we partied before FCS.

So crazy it's unreal. Only just short of throwing TV's out the window. If they'd had a pool, someones car would have been in it.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
You should have seen how we partied before FCS.

So crazy it's unreal. Only just short of throwing TV's out the window. If they'd had a pool, someones car would have been in it.

Indeed. I saw Brian with beer.


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
You should have seen how we partied before FCS.

So crazy it's unreal. Only just short of throwing TV's out the window. If they'd had a pool, someones car would have been in it.

I heared you all sat folding membership packs?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lols, that's the show and shine competition wrapped up then! :eek:


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
vee of course! Meh, Betty needs the front bumper resprayed so no show n shine worthy entry im afraid ;)

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Ah would have been interested by Global Gathering is that weekend just down the road

We did note this but we were very limited regarding dates we could have that were suitable unfortuanately :(

Not ideal but i'm sure it won't have a massive bearing on our event.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I think you planned it so that you wouldn't get the riff raff that usually go to global gathering! ;)
  SG9 Forester STi
God I'm getting old :dapprove:

I don't know how the adminz roll but if you're planning on eating peoples feet then I'll opt out of the cannibalism and head for a hotel.

Once a year camping (if only to be old and supervise ;)) won't hurt you!
I thought you were staying with Tom and I?

You're prettier (just) than BabyAdmin, so we'll give you more than towels to sleep on.
  RB 197
I thought you were staying with Tom and I?

You're prettier (just) than BabyAdmin, so we'll give you more than towels to sleep on.

As corrected on Twitter you two are far too intelligent to have such a lower society member stay in your grand room.

But thanks, i'd like a duvet though :(
  Clio Campus Sport
I should be attending :) will be nice to know some of the fellow clio owners :) and should also have my clio lowered and window tinted by this time too :)
