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Crappy afternoon cleaning the car.

  5 GTT & Orb'd Trophy
The 16k garage queen was looking crap after being out in some of the rubbish weather we have had and after it's first wash since thespring polish was not happy to find patches of really bad swirling and some deeper marks down the side. Now either my cleaning technique has gone seriously wrong of the Megs system which I used for the first time is to blame. Any thoughts.
Also managed to drop an almost full pot of Orange crush which I was going to sell on, being an older glass container I guess this is now rubbish :(
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  5 GTT & Orb'd Trophy
I was wondering the same lol!

Do you want pictures of the broken pot?
We all know what swirls look like, would a clogged pad be to blame, used the white Megs MF recommended, as it seemed to fine when I was checking to begin with.
So are the swirls from washing, the last time it was polished, since it's been in the garage or...?!
  5 GTT & Orb'd Trophy
So are the swirls from washing, the last time it was polished, since it's been in the garage or...?!

I don't know tbh, I'm confused as, from the mileage you can see it's not used much, I get swirl build up over a period of time but nowhere near this bad, it looks as though someone has taken a rolled up newspaper to it, I cannot see have one wash since polish in the same way I have always done would cause it so I'm leaning towards what someone else has done whilst under cover or the last polish went wrong.
So what exactly are you asking? Because at the moment, I don't know whether it's your wash technique, your polishing (and guessing you don't either as you don't sound sure about the results?) or whether something/someone has damaged your car while it was tucked away?!
