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crashed other night

  Range Rover sport
basicly had a really bad night and some stupid chav in a saxo was crawling in front! broken lines on the road so its perfectly ok to overtake! in a hurry to get home ive overtaken and the idiot infront hasnt checked his blind spot or mirrors and jus pulled out into me!

exchanged details!!
seemed a nice guy wasnt cocky or anything!

found out today he s putting a personaly injury claim against me and claiming off me for his car since its writen off!
he also want me to take lyabillity!!!!

fault on both sides tbh!
i should not of overtaken even tho its perfectly ok to do so, but then again what person in there right mind just turns erraticly into a minor road not looking in his mirrors!

been onto the insurance today and said NO!! im not taking lyabillity as clearly theres faults on both side!

i hit my head on the windscreen on impact but im not a faggot to winge about it and put a claim in! id agree on 50/50 split he pays for his i pay for mine but clearly he s being a right pr**k

pictures of my car :







ClioSport Club Member
As far as I am aware if you had already pulled out and he pulled into the side of you he has crossed your right of way. He should be checking his mirrors.
  S4 Avant
Nightmare of a situation to be in, feel sorry for you, as technically he was in the wrong, as long as you weren't speeding, he should be accepting liability. I reckon you'll be arguing about this for some time before a decision is made though.

Goes to show that some times its better just to be patient on the roads, no accounting for what other people are going to do. Like the bloke who ran a red light the other day and pulled out straight infront of me!
  a green 1
ithis is almost an identical case as what happened to the gf, although the gf was infront signaled and manouvered, it was a national speed limit road, the car behind thought it would make it round, anyway he hit the gf, it went to court, was awarded 60% 40% to the other driver,

tell you what pal, do not accept liability as it wasnt youre fault.....
  a green 1
also even if youre infront with youre indicator on and the car behind overtakes and hits you (as daft as this is going to sound, what the judge said in the gfs case) it would be the car infronts fault as it is disrupting the flow of traffic......


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I reckon your Clio's a write off. :(

How much are Airbag computers??

hi dan.x
ecu just over 250,seat air bag and gubbings 500.
clio frames are notorious for twisting when air bag goes off.
i'd say some suspension damage maybe 100-200.
labour ££££'s.
might struggle to save that mate.


ClioSport Club Member
as far as i can see from his story he hasnt overtaken past a junction i think hes gone to overtake 2 cars and the first car has pulled out to overtake the one in front when hes passing?
  Clio 182 Cup
Am gutted for you Nath... all that time we spent painting bits for it :(

Sounds like a write off mate... probably 2k's worth of parts needed. May be better off splitting it?
  Liquid Yellow 197 F1
Sounds like its both of you were at fault, but as said above i don't think its perticularly wise to overtake at a junction.

The saxo should have been looking in his mirrors imagine if you had been on a motor bike and he done the same thing.
  Clio 197, Civic Type R
damage dont look that bad at all uno, look for breakers get a door n a wing £200 tops for the pair then u just need a front bumper that will be about £100-150 maybe cheaper if u have patience. Then all u need is an inner arch. From what i can see theyr isnt Sill damage but get that checked over because the car might need jigging. the EXACT same thing happened to me when i first started driving a year ago i over took my friend and he just turned into me, same spot, i needed a wing, my door didnt get hit but the sill was ruined that got repaired for £250 and that was it really. Best thing to do is get his details and come to a verbal agreement to repair both your cars. Make him phone him insurance group and tell them u have decided this in front of u just so he dont try pull any funny ones. I'll help u fix your car if u want i can help u find parts
  Range Rover sport
hey mate yes i would appreciate if you would help me out to try find new parts!
ive fixed the bottom arm today plus set the tracking correctly!

car is now driveable but with abit of body damage!

i wasnt intending to overtake past a junction but its a straight road so the other person has no signals what so ever and not looked in his mirrors!

as i have overtaken he oviously has seen me and they desided to turn to scare me but its gone horribly wrong! i know the driver and dont get along with him in the slightest! he s just purchased an audi so he s not short of cash ! i think he s done it out of spite tbh because why would he care? its only a saxo!

if there was no overtaking aloud there should be no broken lines ! but there is so i was perfectly ok to overtake!

but his threating behaviour has caused a situation because now i havnt a clue what to do!

i found out off a friend that what the car was towed to he s said to a member of staff this is all his fault im going to claim as much as i can of the little f**k!

also him and his gf are making a personaly injury claim against me when both there CT scans and x-rays came back fine!
so tbh i dont see why i should take liabillity because from my point of view and a few other people i have described to and drawn a diagram both sides are in some way at fault!
overtaking past a junction? no no no.

+1 Should never ever overtake going past a junction of any kind.

He should of indicated and looked but if it was a side street I'm presuming this was a 30mph road and you where speeding when you over took him?

Appologies if any of my assumptions are wrong mate just the impression i'm getting, not having a go at you.

You will learn from mistakes anyway I know i'm a 10 x better driver for crashing.
  Ph1 track 172
as i have overtaken he oviously has seen me and they desided to turn to scare me but its gone horribly wrong!

if you can prove this then it shouldnt matter if there was a side road there or not,
and itll be 100% his fault, then put ur own personal injury claim in for ur head

or just describe the crash 3 meters down the road

as it stands tho, sounds pretty 50/50 to me
  Range Rover sport
nope he kept at 20mph , have no idea if he was wanting me to overtake to have a race or something but i kept at 30 whilst overtaking!

tbh i overed him in the 1st place 50/50! i pay for mine he pays for his!

as im not going to lie and try get out of it i do thing both parties are to blame! but not all on me its not there is fault on him which he s too stborn to admit !! this is why were not getting anywere!
  Range Rover sport
not all on me. **its not fair to blame it all on me when he is as much to blame as i am! but he thinks its ok to keep ringing me telling me to take the wrap for it **
  Black Gold Trophy
I'd tell him to f*ck off tbh, whether you were overtaking past a junction or not is besides the point, he moved onto the other side of the road without checking whether it was clear. I'd just describe the accident further up the road (providing there are no witnesses or cctv evidence), he wasnt pulling out of that junction so as far as I'm concerned it has f*ck all relevance.
  Range Rover sport
haha nice one mate! been told to go round to his house and break his legs! but that would just make me a chav liek he is so not guna go that low! solisotor told me if he rings me again they can cancel the claim as its void because then i ll be claiming harrasment :D (y)
  Range Rover sport
nah sorry lad! im a pannel beater and mechanic i can fix my bodywork up myself within the next few months soo keeping all the bits! fixed the driveshaft and bottom arm myself this morning so its driveable
  850 T5. mmmm Turbo!
dunno if u got your airbags sorted or not mate, but id recoment ringing joshydee @ cliospares, sorted me out good and proper when i had similar internal damage!!
  BMW E92/Audi S3
nah sorry lad! im a pannel beater and mechanic i can fix my bodywork up myself within the next few months soo keeping all the bits! fixed the driveshaft and bottom arm myself this morning so its driveable

Ah ok, good luck with it all. Keep us updated.
  FN2 Type R GT
I had something similar on my first car, airbag went off in the same place and they wrote it off, gave me more money than i paid for it tho ! :rasp:

Glad to hear your ok, must have shaken you up a bit, those airbags makes your bloody ears ring for hours
  Range Rover sport
lol funny enough airbag didnt go off until bout 30 seconds after the crash! crash didnt even feel bad! jus a little tap but there alot of damage plus his car is written off! lol
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
i'm sorry but if this goes all the way to court he has more of an arguement than you do!

unless these points have been cleared up already: (sorry i haven't read the full thread)

he can say he was trying to avoid a cat/dog whatever and thats why he moved without indication
what proof (other than your word) is there that he wasn't indicating?
you were overtaking in a 30 limit, big no no! he can also claim he was doing 30 and you were still trying to overtake! how can you prove otherwise?

i don't mean any of this in a harsh way, but you really have to look at both sides of the arguement, only you and him (and any passengers) know exactly what happened. so be prepared for the worst :(
  Iceberg 172
Surely the "he was doing 20, I was doing 30" vs "I was doing 30, he was doing 40" is just his word against the other, irrespective of the speed limit.

Besides, if the other guy was doing 20mph and then pulled out without looking, he was probably texting at the wheel.... ;)
  Range Rover sport
so what do you suggest i do ?

i cant be botherd with all the hassle but i cant ring him and offer again the 50/50 option thats out of the question!
ive only just turned 18! my insurance is stil sky high! if it doesnt go my way then its going to shoot up even more and i cant afford it tbh its too expensive! im only a student at the end of the day! money i get each week is barely enough for petrol let alone havign to fork out soo much more for insurance come august!

is there no way i can win this argument?

always happends to inocent people! i am genuinly telling the truth! but like you guys said his word over mine!

tbh i think it should be my word against his! it isnt fair the way it is because im not the one that caused the f**king colision! so why does he get to say yes you need to take liabillity its all your fault etc etc ..
  Iceberg 172
Student? I thought you were a panel beater/mechanic?!

Your solicitor should be able to offer you the best advice tbh, but I'd fight it through the insurance.
