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Cruise Control got stuck on!

  Monaco 52/468
Anyone ever had this happen?

I was on the motorway and been using cruise control for approx 30mins, a car pulled out in front of me unexpectedly so i started pressing the brake but cruise control wouldn't stop! I had to swerve and overtake the poor guy in the other car in the dust next to the barrier.

Needless to say I'm a little scared of using it again.

Is this a known fault? Or any suggestions as to why this happened?
Yea the clutch has a switch to turn off c.c, or pull it out of gear, or switch c.c off on the dash switch.


Aye sounds like you've a lucky escape.

Get it to Renault ASAP.

I remember when my accelerator pedal got caught under my mat lol brown pants moment right there..


Go out and check your brake lights, if they are out and a fuse has gone, then the CC wont turn off when you brake.
  Arctic Blue 182
Thats a bit of a design fault isnt it. Oh yeah the cars French almost forgot for a second.

Can you confirm if that was teh cause Bullytoad?


Tbh most cars are like it if your brake light fuse goes, CC can still be disabled by the button though (in most cases!)
Saying that if your in the same situation as him you dont really want to be looking down for the button!
  renault clio dyamique
this happened to my uncle quite a few years ago in his 172 his cruise control got stuck and wouldn't go off and he crashed into another car since he couldn't swere to avoid the other car and he said to me DON'T buy a clio with cruise control. And thank god i never bought one with cruise control. The last words he said to me about this was that he was never going to buy a clio again lol
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  Monaco 52/468
To be honest guys I was so shocked that I wasn't slowing down, i didn't have a chance to think about clutch/gears/cc button etc. The other car moved out when he shouldn't have, but it was definately lucky.

I'll get out today and check brake lights are working, but I think a trip to Renault may be in order. I certainly won't be ussing cc again until it's been checked thoroughly! Not sure how they can test/replicate this error??
  Black 197
Brake Position Switch me thinks... Happened to me once, Used to throw up faults all the time as soon as i used CC.. Replaced the switch in the end job done, Not hard to do.. cheapish iirc and saves dieing tbh

(Tried using my CC stuck on to a nice police man the other day - needless to say he still bum raped me) - tut tut
  Mountune Tractor
It happened because you are gay chris, no other reason.
Get it down to Renault in your lunch break or get Rentech to have a look.
  Clio 182FF
Aye sounds like you've a lucky escape.

Get it to Renault ASAP.

I remember when my accelerator pedal got caught under my mat lol brown pants moment right there..

Happended to me too in my mams car. The noise was emmense!
  Formally Clio 182
If you put the gear into neutral then the cruise control should turn itself off.

I rely on cruise control so much these days as I use it all the time! If i'm going 30 mph through a village or 70mph on a motorway. Would hate to not have a car without it.
  B/G 182 + PH1 Track
If you put the gear into neutral then the cruise control should turn itself off.

I rely on cruise control so much these days as I use it all the time! If i'm going 30 mph through a village or 70mph on a motorway. Would hate to not have a car without it.

You not use the speed restrictor?
  Clio Sport 182
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but this has just happened to me. The car wouldn't slow down, tried the brake and the clutch and also the switch on the steering wheel. Went into the back of a lorry. Thinking back I should have put it in neutral or turned ignition off, bit its too late for that. Sat in the recovery truck on way home now. Think I need legal advice.
^WTF? I can see it maybe getting stuck on, but unless the clutch cable snapped and the brakes failed at the same time the car could still be stopped?


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but this has just happened to me. The car wouldn't slow down, tried the brake and the clutch and also the switch on the steering wheel. Went into the back of a lorry. Thinking back I should have put it in neutral or turned ignition off, bit its too late for that. Sat in the recovery truck on way home now. Think I need legal advice.

How fast were you going ?!

As above, the brakes should slow the car down if you're in gear or not, as it does in a car without cruise....

Wouldn't have wanted to turn the ignition off. Instant no brakes or PAS, and then you're royally f**ked when the steering lock comes on !


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
TBH, i was taught if doing a emergency stop to dip the clutch anyway. This would solve all the problems mentioned in this thread.
  RS Clio 182
Had it happen to before, luckily not in an emergency, dipped the clutch though and all was well. Sometimes the increase speed button decreases the speed, sometimes it cancels the CC and sometimes its normal. Its odd, its the the buttons switch functions!
I'm still confused - even though this "problem" means cruise control is still on thus throttle is still being applied by the ECU the brakes will still function right? therefore push em hard enough and you'll overcome the torque from the throttle? (admittedly cruise control being cruise control if it sense it needs more torque it'll give it to you)
  Clio Sport 182
Didn't have much time to react and I panicked. I pressed the brake, but not hard enough. When it didn't turn off I tried pressing the buttons on the steering wheel and then brakes again then bang. I was doing 70 at the time on a dual carriageway. I know I should have just dipped the clutch and braked, but when it failed to turn off it threw me and I couldn't think. Airbags didn't go off either.
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  Clio Sport 182
Also the second time I braked the pedal went to the floor. Bought the car 2 weeks prior to this from a garage with 12 months mot.
  clio 172
Also the second time I braked the pedal went to the floor. Bought the car 2 weeks prior to this from a garage with 12 months mot.

This happened to my girlfriends 2005 clio 182 a few years ago. She braked to avoid hitting a lorry but the cruise control just saw this as a challenge and gave more power, she ended up frying the brakes.
A couple of months later when I was driving it happened again fortunately I just dipped the clutch and pulled over. That was the last time either of us used the cruise control.
  275 Trophy
Bad times! Has Renault never officially had a policy on this? Must of happened to enough Clios to be a recall, no?
I'm not saying that all of you were wrong, but see this point as I normally do:

When using the CC, I normally do not use the brake to reduce speed (only in an emergency).

I simply press the button on the steering wheel to disengage (without any foot on the pedals) and then if needed I press the brake. After that I press again the button to activate the CC.

Normally (I do not know how is there in England, but here in Portugal since the roads are always in bad shape, full of bumps, speedbumps and potholes, with tarmac cracked and everything) I only use the CC in a Motorway.

If all of you start to first disengage CC via the steering wheel button instead of relying in the contact switch in the brake and clutch pedals, some scares like this one could be avoided. It's simply using a method and train your body to do it without even thinking.

Just my 2 cents...
