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[Current/Next Gen] FIFA 14

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Anyone else find it laggy ?
There's definitely a delay on pro clubs imo, make a run and press triangle for a through again....and again...wheyyy finally.

When theres an offside they still show it from a stupid angle sometimes so you can't actually see if it was offside or not.

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
My UT is alright so far! Played 5, drawn 2 and lost 3 though. Somehow people score corners 10times out of 10 for some reason!
I've come across about 4 teams in UT now that are just all players from 1 team. I don't get it!

I think from corners it doesn't work if you try the pass button for a header - you have to press a certain one ( I reconfigure my controls so I won't say what my button is )

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
I think you can still use pass for defending a corner.

The highlights after a game are still stupid, shows a miss but not the 30 yarder I scored in the second half. What is that all about. I also got called for offside when I was a good couple of yards onside :(
I am only having luck with my slide tackle button, I get muscled off if I use anything else

Pro clubs- noticed even defender has acrobatic clearance now? :D although at least your player does proper volleys and not 2 yard headers anymore

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
I really don't get UT. My all gold team vs an all bronze team, strikers with a rating of 51 scoring 30 yarders against me? Wtf.
Some people think there is an element of handicapping in UT where it helps the bronze person get a fair game.

Not sure how it works or even if it's true tbh
  Lancia Integrale
I'm having no luck with the gold packs.. I think I'll stick to the auctions, anyone got any tips on players to bid on that will increase in value?


ClioSport Club Member
Been on this a lot over the last few days. Have been playing FUT mostly and have built an ok team - have already managed to win the Champions Cup on the first go! Opened a fair few packs but only had one good player really (Valencia), will continue to play and open packs though as I really want a TOTW player.

Tonight I've been doing the skill games to get the Xbox achievements - the hardest was completing lob pass on silver. Anyone else done the crossbar challenge? I managed to get 96,000!


ClioSport Club Member
I'm really struggling with FIFA 14, in comparison to 13 anyway. I find that pace is pointless in FUT, even a player like Mertesacker can keep up with some of my pacier players when I'm attacking. Really frustrating!

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
I'm getting used to it, BUT there is 1000000000000% a delay when calling for a pass/through ball. Definitely.
  LY R26
Sold over a million coins on the Bay.
£120 richer.

Still have an epic squad too.

Big Lewa,
Yaya Toure etc.

Love FUT14! Can't wait for the next gen!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I'm really enjoying it on 360 too.

Been excellent for me. Can't wait for next gen to smash AK.


ClioSport Club Member
Bumping this just to give my expert, and thoughtful opinion on this game.

It's s**t.

That is all. Played one game online, was utter w**k - Walcott (my player) outpaced consistently by Nuri Sahin (opposition), unable to tackle, shitty offside calls, it's just nonsense. Smashed the game case in a rage, haha.

Needless to say, I won't be playing it any time soon / again!

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
The AI are completely retarded. Seriously. More so than they were in 13.


ClioSport Club Member
I've been playing a fair amount of FUT in between my GTA sessions. Managed to pick up Reus in a pack and sold him for 110,000 coins!! That pretty much upgraded my whole PL team and now I feel I have a good enough team to beat anyone. Unfortunately, due to me being quite average at the game I am really struggling online - I have soo many shots but they are rarely going in - I am ALWAYS being called offside. I will persist though because I love playing FIFA.
  Trophy #491
Im really not getting on to well with this. Find it very hard to beat a man, shooting is off, my players keep getting caught coming back from offside positions.

Going to persist though
  Vectra SRi
Just started FUT on the weekend, never got into it before and im struggling! My 2.5 star team with 55 chemistry keep coming up against 4 star teams with 99 chemistry!! Very frustrating and finding it hard to earn decent money! Any tips?!
  none :(
22nd for me. But I may wait for you dear and rinse BF4 instead.

scutch i will add you when i get the xbone. If i buy fifa 14 for the 360 do all acheivements and ultimate team carry over.
I have no games at present to keep me entertained.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
scutch i will add you when i get the xbone. If i buy fifa 14 for the 360 do all acheivements and ultimate team carry over.
I have no games at present to keep me entertained.

Not sure about Achievements but the FUT stuff carries over yes.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Just started FUT on the weekend, never got into it before and im struggling! My 2.5 star team with 55 chemistry keep coming up against 4 star teams with 99 chemistry!! Very frustrating and finding it hard to earn decent money! Any tips?!

Play against the AI in single player tournaments/leagues to build up coins.

Either that or get a top quality gold/In-form player in a pack that you can then sell. That's all down to luck of course.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
XBO footage:


Looks good.


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
Wowzerz, looks good!

Not enjoying this Fifa as much as the last ones. :(
Still won the league in the my first season. Won by 2 goals on GD on the last game of the season, lol!

Lost to United on pennos in the League Cup final though, argh.
