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Dan@SJM's 1720v

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  Evo 5 RS
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

You recognize the shop? I'll give you a hint, it's in the Godstone / Redhill area or in between at least....oh and suffered a major fire in the last 3 years lol
  Evo 5 RS
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

well P4P gear turned up this morning at long last. Top notch by the looks of it. Rear all painted up and ready for screen to be put in Friday. Woooooo. lol had a bloke come in this afternoon saying "ERGH, what colour is that, it's hideous..." He kept on for 5 minutes till I told him it was mine LOL :D

I'm loving it



South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

HA !

Can't wait to see this in the flesh ...

Your haymayzing camera skillz make this look like a turd .. still.



ClioSport Moderator
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

Paradas are great tyres, gotta love CS generated opinion.

Car looks brilliant, ph2 rear lights though, please? I have been liking some ph1 lights lately, but with the colour of yours it needs the ph2's IMO.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

Paradas? suprised you aint crashed yet!

Utter nonsense.

Cracking tyre, serious grip in the dry, progressive fun feedback in the wet. Definitely not a cheap ditchfinder which snaps on you. Actually a superb snow tyre in my experience too lol !

Will the turdmobile have a cup spoiler ? If so, ph2 lights will be required or you're out of the gang.


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

I'm in love, I think grey on any car looks good if the correct tone is used.....brilliant work :D
  Evo 5 RS
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

Managed to get the front poly carbs in. Using the old metal clippings from the original windows. They fit perfect. Also got the window switches and door handles painted up black, as they looked a bit naff.
Rear windows should be going in tomorrow. also waiting on majority of the plastic clips to reattach all the trips / skirts as they've not come yet either:headno:

  Evo 5 RS
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

hopefully all my clips will turn up today too so I can put all the trim and skirts back on
  Evo 5 RS
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

Aye bought majority of Bone's interior, front door cards are very lush so keeping them


ClioSport Club Member
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

god dam it i love that interior, why did i get rid of it..... oh that was it, to loose weight, lol, idiot...

looking awesome mate, really is...

lol <3
You ordered your windows yet mush?

rear you mean? no, i am potentially attacking the car shortly with the idea of getting it pretty much done, so may be ordering very shortly, let me know how you get on applying the rear 1/4's and rear screen
  Evo 5 RS
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

ok cool, will do. I'm going to try and get matey to bond the rear 1/4 in but theres a chance I'll have to resort to rivets. If you look at the rear 1/4 glass it's got a fairly big curve but it should flex ok hopefully
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  Evo 5 RS
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

Cheers Ali

Complete set of Renault clips turned up, so can go about refitting all the trim tomorrow
  Evo 5 RS
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

Anyone foresee 6 month old V-Power being an issue? lol
I was speaking to someone recently who knew a bit too much about it tbh. Saying how the methanol in high performance fuel goes crusty after a period of time lol. Like dry jizzem...

I'll just top it up with some freshness before it goes away again I guess.
  Evo 5 RS
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

no not methonal you're right...what's it f'ing called then, come on! ;)

It's onal something...rofl
  Lionel Richie
Re: My Phase 1 ITB Daily Runner

ethanol? (that's only in tescos)

6month fuel won't be an issue, i'll burn it off for you
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