dan, are these the correct bolt spacing for a 172 cup?
I'm fairly certain they are mate! As I think it's only the 182 cups that have 60mm bolt spacing but you'll definitely want to check. Will only take 2 mins to confirm with a small ruler.
Tonight I made progress with the coilys!
I went to Homebase and spent possibly the best £15 I have all year, on a 400w work lamp. So so good as due to it being such a high wattage bulb it gives off a lot of heat too so there I was at 10pm tonight working on my car in just a T-shirt (had trousers on though lol) haha Really helped me do this job.
Here is the light in all its glory. Showing up lots of swirls up close not on the pic

Can't wait to correct the paintwork when the better weather comes !
20141209_184550 by
dann2707, on Flickr
Then started removing the associated parts. Removing clio struts is possibly the easiest thing in the world. Undo the top three bolts (pure solid mounts uses three allen key bolts to hold it in), the undo the two 21mm nuts on the hub, knock the bolts out of the hub and it's off.
I came across a massive problem though, when undoing my three bolts for the top mounts one of them was ridiculously loose and it turned out it had snapped! And another bolt was massively bent! I'm not sure if they quality of bolts provided with the pure top mounts are up to the job as they seem like really cheap metal in my opinion. So I rushed up to ASK which is my local automotive store and got some super mega awesome high tensile steel bolts which are surprisingly not made out of cheese.
20141209_185538 by
dann2707, on Flickr
I then removed the topmounts and fitted them to the new coilovers.
20141209_191055 by
dann2707, on Flickr
All on
20141209_192540 by
dann2707, on Flickr
I have noticed that when i've come to doing the rears, i've stupidly put the adjusters in upside down???!!! I've seen that it doesn't really make a difference though and they're not going to fly out? Infact I read that they're better like this as they can be adjusted whereas the other way around you can't adjust can anyone confirm that i'm not going to die?
20141209_221231 by
dann2707, on Flickr
And when replacing the rear shocks I re-used the rubber mounting from the original shocks and didn't use these as I'm really not sure where they'd go?
@incy-spider @Cub. can you confirm where these metal washers go please?
20141209_223352 by
dann2707, on Flickr
Two are flat, two are concave
And finally an after pic! More pics to come when the spacers arrive and it's settled and i've adjusted it as to how I want it
20141209_221216 by
dann2707, on Flickr