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Daniels Blue 182.

  CLIO 182
little bit of hate for you right now....😢
still cant believe they don't give you a a nut for the rear damper proper drives me insane that haha all for the cost to them of probably 10p


ClioSport Moderator
little bit of hate for you right now....😢
still cant believe they don't give you a a nut for the rear damper proper drives me insane that haha all for the cost to them of probably 10p
Its poor isnt it. Is it a standard thread, im sure I read somewhere its a weird thread.
Im going to email Bilstein and see if I can blag a couple.


ClioSport Club Member
Can anyone confirm how the hell you work coilovers?? 😂😂

I understand that you spin the locking nut to adjust your desired drop but why is there so much thread there? The adjustment is supposed to be only 40mm I think yet there thread is like 10 inches?!?!


ClioSport Moderator
Are your locking nuts black plastic too. Think mine are but could be wrong. I did think when I looked that it seemed strange.


ClioSport Club Member
Nice feeling opening a box with brand new billies in, that was me a few months back, had a bit of a sex wee!!

In regards to setting them up its very straight forward, set both side exactly the same, I measured from the bottom of the thread to the spring platform, fit them to the car and set to desired height I have a ramp so quick but if using a jack do one side at a time then with the supplied c spanners lock up the lock ring to the platform.... Simples, don't go to low though if I was you, they are relatively soft and will catch the front bumper/wing mounts (they bend up easily by the way) as for the rear, set them to the lowest they will go and that's about right, I corner weighted mine but weren't far out from setting up with a measuring tape [emoji106][emoji106]

Oh make sure they have the correct hole spacing before you go removing everything!!


ClioSport Club Member
Pretty certain they're plastic Gus, just checked.

And i'm thinking it's going to be some kind of ratio as to how much it lowers it by on the overall thread compared to how much it lowers the car? Is this right @incy-spider ? if the overall adjustment is 20mm for example, bang on in the middle would lower the car 10mm (just an example, not sure the total range of movement)


ClioSport Club Member
Dump that, measuring tape and checking it visually is the best way, like I said I finished mine of on the scales to get it spot on but it was only a tad from side to side, they are actually really well balanced cars!


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks for that mate! So what is the actual lowering range do you know? It says you can adjust it by 20mm but is this the tuv range (just learnt about that just now! Didn't even realise that was a thing)


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah TUV, tbh I'm not overly sure on the full range as I set mine to a modest usable height without going so low that you get ludicrous bump steer.... That TUV is a laugh too, they say it's tested on the Ring but within TUV limits, I exceeded those limits on the carousel!
  CLIO 182
It all depends on the pitch of the thread mate to how low one rotation off the spring platform will do it, unless your corner weighting it, just measure of the subframe either side for ride height purely on a cosmetic side of things. Its always recommended to get it corner weighted though especially upfront as it can affect your braking, not really necessary on the road I guess but I would regardless. transforms the handling too. Its one thing buying the dampers its another thing setting them up correctly. If you need any help with it mate. Ill try and blag my old boss if hell let me use his flat patch and corner weights. Only in horbury so not too far from you. Its usually quiet this time of year for him so unless hes being an arse he shouldn't mind too much.
  CLIO 182
Its poor isnt it. Is it a standard thread, im sure I read somewhere its a weird thread.
Im going to email Bilstein and see if I can blag a couple.
Ive got some brand new genuine Renault ones at home ill measure the threads on them an post em up mate. If they are the same that is. Surely they must be if theyve sent them out with out any. Id get some K-Nuts too. Because #OCD 🙈


ClioSport Club Member
Ant that'd be awesome mate, be great to meet you too finally!

Was just thinking, won't the rear top nuts be in decent condition anyway as they're inside the car and have covers over them?


ClioSport Club Member
Ive got some brand new genuine Renault ones at home ill measure the threads on them an post em up mate. If they are the same that is. Surely they must be if theyve sent them out with out any. Id get some K-Nuts too. Because #OCD 🙈

Pretty sure the standard Renault ones are right, it's if you remove say konis from the car before fitting billies like I did where you get the wrong size nuts and mounts, something I had to sort out on the rear of mine, was painful waiting 3days for some purple powerflex ones to come!!!
  CLIO 182
Ant that'd be awesome mate, be great to meet you too finally!

Was just thinking, won't the rear top nuts be in decent condition anyway as they're inside the car and have covers over them?
Yeah properly haha!! Well yeah and know mate! They are nylocs on the inside and I hate re using them! But thats just me yeah you can get away with for a few times but its just bad practice.
Serious envy! How much they set you back? I need some B14's in my life I think. Let us know how comfy they are on the road!


ClioSport Club Member
Serious envy! How much they set you back? I need some B14's in my life I think. Let us know how comfy they are on the road!

Sorry to keep blabbing on but I can't hype them up enough, they are awesome, have posted about them a lot myself, like I have said in previous posts the best road/track/comfort compromise I have come across... Most coilovers are really aggressive on the road and comfort generally goes out the window, I had Koni adjustables with Eibach sport lines which is regarded to be one of the best non coilover setups and they were good but these are on another level, 2 previous years on the ring I always thought the Koni/eibach to be a bit twitchy and bouncy no matter how soft I ran them, because the billies are fixed damping you can't mess about with them which is good because they really don't need it, the car feels so forgiving through tight bends and at high speed so much more confident, this year on the ring they transformed my laps (as did 245hp) and made me smile so much literally would take everything my Clio turbo would give them and that was a fair punishing!!

I say to anybody, go buy them you won't be disappointed! Worth every penny (when set up right) [emoji106][emoji106][emoji108][emoji110][emoji97]
Awesome. Thats a long term goal for me then as its my daily I don't want to get sucked into the whole trackday car thing.


ClioSport Club Member
dan, are these the correct bolt spacing for a 172 cup?

I'm fairly certain they are mate! As I think it's only the 182 cups that have 60mm bolt spacing but you'll definitely want to check. Will only take 2 mins to confirm with a small ruler.

Tonight I made progress with the coilys!

I went to Homebase and spent possibly the best £15 I have all year, on a 400w work lamp. So so good as due to it being such a high wattage bulb it gives off a lot of heat too so there I was at 10pm tonight working on my car in just a T-shirt (had trousers on though lol) haha Really helped me do this job.

Here is the light in all its glory. Showing up lots of swirls up close not on the pic :( Can't wait to correct the paintwork when the better weather comes !

20141209_184550 by dann2707, on Flickr

Then started removing the associated parts. Removing clio struts is possibly the easiest thing in the world. Undo the top three bolts (pure solid mounts uses three allen key bolts to hold it in), the undo the two 21mm nuts on the hub, knock the bolts out of the hub and it's off.

I came across a massive problem though, when undoing my three bolts for the top mounts one of them was ridiculously loose and it turned out it had snapped! And another bolt was massively bent! I'm not sure if they quality of bolts provided with the pure top mounts are up to the job as they seem like really cheap metal in my opinion. So I rushed up to ASK which is my local automotive store and got some super mega awesome high tensile steel bolts which are surprisingly not made out of cheese.

20141209_185538 by dann2707, on Flickr

I then removed the topmounts and fitted them to the new coilovers.

20141209_191055 by dann2707, on Flickr

All on :)

20141209_192540 by dann2707, on Flickr

I have noticed that when i've come to doing the rears, i've stupidly put the adjusters in upside down???!!! I've seen that it doesn't really make a difference though and they're not going to fly out? Infact I read that they're better like this as they can be adjusted whereas the other way around you can't adjust can anyone confirm that i'm not going to die?

20141209_221231 by dann2707, on Flickr

And when replacing the rear shocks I re-used the rubber mounting from the original shocks and didn't use these as I'm really not sure where they'd go? @incy-spider @Cub. can you confirm where these metal washers go please?

20141209_223352 by dann2707, on Flickr

Two are flat, two are concave

And finally an after pic! More pics to come when the spacers arrive and it's settled and i've adjusted it as to how I want it :D

20141209_221216 by dann2707, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
Right mate without having the washers infront of me I'll try and remember.... Push the bump stop on Concave washer with the bigger hole goes on top of that then blue cover goes on then smaller washer on top of that!
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ClioSport Club Member
The main reason for the big washer on top of the bump stop is to stop the bump stop splitting when it hits under the blue dust cover, the washer on top stops the strut pushing up through the mounts, so fairly important... Your mount bush washers are probably doing that job though so as long as you don't go jumping off speed bumps im sure you'll be fine!
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ClioSport Club Member
Undo the top mounts, jack it up a bit so the wheels stay in contact with the ground and keeping some compression on the springs so they don't fall out then undo the 18mm and slide them back out?


ClioSport Club Member
Good work mate! Really like this car and your attitude towards the project.

Let me know if you ever need a hand with anything, I'm only up the road!

Thank you mate, that's so good to hear :D And I sure will do, are you coming to the meet this Sunday?

Look great mate, huge diffrence!

Cheers bro! :)

Can't wait to fit the spacers now. And need to set them up properly now ;) @Ant_Smiggy


ClioSport Moderator
Dan, they look fantastic - thats dedication fitting them at that time of night 😂. Let us know how they feel when you have given them a drive.
