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Daniels Blue 182.

I'm sure I've said this before Dan, but this looks spot on

Easily one of my favourite 182's, and has all the mods done that I want! Makes me quite jealous actually

What makes it worse too I always wanted an Arctic....damn you


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Thanks mate!

Me and @leeds2592 fitted new cv boots to our cars this weekend, mine looked like this

20160514_134407 by dann2707, on Flickr

In case it helps anyone in the future, it's really easy if all the bolts are free (@leeds2592 :wink: )!

Got to remove the two bolts for the bottom ball joint, remove track rod end, remove disc and hub nut then it simply slides off the splines on the shaft. No need to remove the strut bolts which is ideal for if you have camber bolts and don't want to disturb them.

20160514_134402 by dann2707, on Flickr

We then fitted the stretch/cone type cv boots

Piece of piss on yours, absolute t**t of a job on mine!


ClioSport Club Member
I'm sure I've said this before Dan, but this looks spot on

Easily one of my favourite 182's, and has all the mods done that I want! Makes me quite jealous actually

What makes it worse too I always wanted an Arctic....damn you

Thanks a lot dude! That means alot 😌😌

Piece of piss on yours, absolute t**t of a job on mine!

I think the last person to fit your stuff got his whole family to swing on a 300ft barry and used loctite as copper grease.

Makes me want to go low with some nice 15's...

You should, when tyres are this cheap too it's even better Mark! :D


ClioSport Club Member
Thought i'd update with a few little things i'm working on at the moment.

I'm planning on polybushing the anti roll bar drop links on the rear whiteline one with these. They're pretty damn solid compared to the rubber ones you get with the RARB. My only gripe is that they're for M8 threaded rod whereas my drop links are M10.

I tried drilling them out today and not a chance! They just conform to the shape of the drill. Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve it? Thinking maybe melting it bigger or simply taking the droplink off and threading it on as it probably would go on.

20160523_203054 by dann2707, on Flickr

Secondly, I received some centre caps (£4.99 delivered) for the team dynamics. They look absolutely garbage on as seen but i'm thinking of fitting these to it

What do people think?

20160522_180049 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160523_203126 by dann2707, on Flickr

Next! I removed the runners on my seats a few months back and it's made the seats absolutely solid. There's no sideway flex at all now which is awesome. As a result though i'm low as f**k. Really really low. So my Dad got me some alu from work and I drilled new holes in it today for the seat sidemounts to sit on to raise me. I've got 4 of those so I can raise myself 20mm in total which should be ideal.

20160523_203317 by dann2707, on Flickr

Finally, I had a thought last week that i'd like to extend the gearstick below the pivot point to shorten the throw. The BMS shifter does this by cutting it in half and welding some tube on and bending the stick but I want something that I don't have to get welded or bending the stick. I wanted to create something so you can fine tune the throw of the gearstick, along with the angle of it.

Thanks to @Dr Jekyll for measuring the diameter of the original gearstick at the bottom.

The idea is pretty simple, it involves some stainless tubing and a bit of measuring.

OD = 18mm
ID = 12mm (original dia rod is 11.95mm)
Wall thickness = 3mm

20160523_203245 by dann2707, on Flickr

This is the idea, it will shorten the throw and also bring the gearstick closer to the driver, the standard position is WAY too close to the radio. The original gearstick will be cut in half.

20160519_164626 by dann2707, on Flickr

The rod will have 4 x M5 tapped threads, with grub screws and locking nyloc nuts to hold the two parts of the rod

20160523_203235 by dann2707, on Flickr

With the grub screws being held in by nylocs it shouldn't be an issue.

If anyone can see any problems that might arise, would be great if you could shout. Thanks :smile:


ClioSport Club Member
Those center caps look garbage because their just blanks that you fix your chosen center cap badge/decal/striker to bud!

Gearstick idea sounds interesting. Look forward to results [emoji106]

Yeah I thought that! Cheers mate! Will keep everything updated.
Only issue could be getting the sleeve for reverse to work?

That's above the pivot point though matey. This is all below the gearstick here. Thanks for your input though buddy, nice to see people thinking about it.

  182 arctic
i was thinking the exact same thing last night.. but putting a horizontal crank in oem gear stick. would keep the same throw as oem but bring it closer and work well with my bucket seats...
will watch with interest m8...


ClioSport Club Member
i was thinking the exact same thing last night.. but putting a horizontal crank in oem gear stick. would keep the same throw as oem but bring it closer and work well with my bucket seats...
will watch with interest m8...
That should work too!

Mum just sent me this pic. It's arrived at my parents house :D

Plan is... spraying saturday.

Fitting Sunday with @Matty1303 and bobbing over to see @leeds2592 !

It's my Birthday on Friday and I can't wait as i'm off to Alton towers! I haven't been for ages!


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ClioSport Club Member
i was thinking the exact same thing last night.. but putting a horizontal crank in oem gear stick. would keep the same throw as oem but bring it closer and work well with my bucket seats...
will watch with interest m8...

Did some Solidworks modelling tonight just so people can understand more as to why i'm doing it. Plus I love solidworks so much. @Nick_Leeds @imprezaworks @Slygreen @Djw John this might be of interest to you!

Original (gearstick in neutral):

Standard gearstick by dann2707, on Flickr

Modified using my linkage adjuster:

Note how the gearstick is now tilted back towards the driver despite the bottom of the gearstick (which attaches to the gearbox linkage) is in the same position. yay

Modified gearstick by dann2707, on Flickr

That angle is also completely up to me dependant on how much I bend the rod.


ClioSport Club Member
Looking great. When are you making it?

Cheers Dan. In the next few weeks or so I think mate. This weekend i'm mega busy fitting the cage.

Mm, interesting, keep us up to date with it all please

Of course.

Probably going to secure it even more by drill some shallow holes for the grub screws to nip into on the stick so that it doesn't vibrate itself loose. Which I'm sure it won't anyway.


ClioSport Club Member
Well I like the look of having that metal shaft as my Gearstick shaft. Got more ideas now.

Will fire up solidworks next week and get a design done!


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ClioSport Club Member
Looks good Dan, liking the idea, looking forward to seeing it in full.
Think I've seen you around a few times in the 182, you go by Garforth often?


ClioSport Club Member
I'll finally do my write up for the cage and other things this weekend.

This is how the eBay cage comes after unwrapping it. Obviously it needs painting as the raw look doesn't do it justice.

My initial impressions are that it looks well built, the welds are fairly shoddy in places but it's mig and it will never look as beautiful as tig.

20160528_132902 by dann2707, on Flickr

I cleaned it all up with P800 wet and dry first and degreased it, thenetch primered it with a few tins first.

20160528_135803 by dann2707, on Flickr

Then two tins of matt black. As I went straight from etch primer to paint it looks like it's been anodised. Really happy with the outcome doing it that way.

20160528_144431 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160528_144438 by dann2707, on Flickr

And @Matty1303 came over to help with the build. He's currently in the back.

20160529_121340 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_121348 by dann2707, on Flickr

If you look closely you may be able to see his shaft because upshotcrotchshot

20160529_121411 by dann2707, on Flickr

The harnesses are out as are the seats

20160529_122258 by dann2707, on Flickr

We then slid the cage in, it's pretty f**king tight and the subframes do have to come out to give better access as we found out.

20160529_123440 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_123445 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_125747 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_133155 by dann2707, on Flickr

The cage was then offered up to the rear arch after the fabric was pulled back etc

20160529_133207 by dann2707, on Flickr

The feet were also offered up to where they were going to be drilled.

20160529_133210 by dann2707, on Flickr

At this point we needed some nuts and bolts.

The holes in the feet are M10 so we got:

10 x M10 x 40mm bolts
10 x nyloc nuts
10 x M10 washers for the nuts
10 x M10 ID, 40mm OD washers for the spreader plates

20160529_145009_HDR by dann2707, on Flickr

Drilled the holes

20160529_154134 by dann2707, on Flickr

And fed the nuts through. These absolutely have to be with the thread coming through the car

20160529_154137 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_163745 by dann2707, on Flickr

I made some spreader plates out of 2.5mm thick steel. Matty marked them and I drilled and cut the plates out with the grinder

20160529_163753 by dann2707, on Flickr

Ignore the loose threaded bar in the background, thats for my subframes that I had to loosen earlier.

20160529_163756 by dann2707, on Flickr

Then using @bashracing 's trick I sealed them with silicone

20160529_165402 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_165405 by dann2707, on Flickr

My fingers looked tasty

20160529_165455 by dann2707, on Flickr

We then fitted the seats back in

20160529_165410 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_165419 by dann2707, on Flickr

After removing my runners to make them fixed the seats were consequently lower so I got some aluminium 10mm thick plates made up to raise me so I fitted them inbetween the subframe and the seat side mounts

20160529_180538 by dann2707, on Flickr

Then fitted the cage back in

The harnesses were then looped around the cage and all secured and shortened to my preference. I have some boot mats from @debussetti that i'll be fitting this week too! Cheers man

20160529_194452 by dann2707, on Flickr

Cable tied up of course for neatness.

20160529_194506_HDR by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_202718 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_202726_HDR by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_202742 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_202748 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160529_202748 by dann2707, on Flickr

Then today I cleaned Boris and Abi rinsed. My headlight condensation has come back so ill be fixing that asap.

20160530_131318 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_131325 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_131341 by dann2707, on Flickr

I love how you can see the cage from the outside :smiley:

20160530_131350 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_132043 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_132051 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_132102-1 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_132127 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_132149_HDR-1-1 by dann2707, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
Random underground pics

20160530_173524 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_173538 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_173549 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160530_173603 by dann2707, on Flickr

Got my car tracked by BRAM racing, thoroughly recommend them as always.

Went for -2neg camber up front with 15 mins out.

Also the rear doesn't look great, wonder if that's due to the arb?

20160530_225422 by dann2707, on Flickr

Abi made me a miniature Boris as my birthday present, she got hold of a model from France, she could only get it in black so got some arctic blue paint made up and painted it.

She's even fitted the rollcage in the back with cotton buds and the front splitter with painted blue tac. And the bumper ties and RSA harnesses, even painted the rear lights as she knew I changed them to ph1 lights

20160527_094535 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160527_094547 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160527_093609 by dann2707, on Flickr

20160527_094605 by dann2707, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
Looks good. Don't like how you've bolted the cage in with the nut inside. I'd always run it the other way so that if it does work loose at least the cage isn't moving and sliding around as the bolts will still locate it

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ClioSport Club Member
Looks good. Don't like how you've bolted the cage in with the nut inside. I'd always run it the other way so that if it does work loose at least the cage isn't moving and sliding around as the bolts will still locate it

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
That's fia standard mate.

Not sure cos if it's because the thread will puncture the tyre in the arch or because you cant keep any eye on how they are. Outside might get damaged or wear away more? Not a clue.

Also the bolts are 40mm long with nylocs. They won't come loose.


ClioSport Club Member
Fair enough pal. Just seems backwards to me lol. Can't believe how quick this car has changed. I feel like something big happens every time I look at this thread. Good work.

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