If your struggling with any bosses mate just try using some humanity to "reverse hollowing" at a bonfire to make you human, then hang around outside the boss room and try summoning other players to help you co-op. Your flasks will heal the other player, remember they cant heal themselves so watch their HP too!
Holy f*ck.
Yeah i was about to say you dont have to fight him you can come back later when you're stronger :rasp:
I found the "get his attention with a spell/arrow to the back of the head then leg it down the stairs and fight him in the open" worked a treat. If your feeling up for it there is another black knight back in UndeadBurg before you get to the bridge with the dragon. Hes stood down a corridor with his back to you.
I'm too old for games that set out to break my balls at every opportunity. I enjoy a challenge, but for me a game should be an enjoyable experience, not an exercise in raising blood pressure. My biggest hate is trial & error repetition. Gets on my breasts. I just want to enjoy a well crafted escapism experience, not get killed over and over, and repeat the same thing over and over. It's also almost always what short games resort to in an attempt to flesh out the bones of what is otherwise a pretty thin experience.
Started playing this at the weekend. Died MANY times, but so far (about 5 hours in) I think it could just be the best RPG I've played...
Everyone talking about how hard it is, Its making me want to play it!
Always like a challenge... then rage like f**k if I don't do it in the first couple of hundred attemps.