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Dastek Unichip’d Mk2 172 info

I seem to remember someone on here, possibly Sangy, had one of these fitted to their Mk2 172. If so, could you possibly post a reply and let me know what sort of power/torque increases you got and how the car feels/performs on the road, plus any other pros/cons. A contact name/nos for the guys who fitted it would be great too!

Thanks in advance!

(cant be ars*d waiting for R-Sport to pull their finger out and produce a "5%" chip for the 172!!!)

Im sure Ive already given you the details but Ill PM you them again me ol mucker!

In short im very pleased with it fitted to my Cup and its given me 172bhp ATW. Nice pick up on it rather than a bit flat to start of with when you first accelerate.
