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Detailing Chat & Questions Thread

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Can I do anything to my windscreen to make it clearer?I'm guessing it's plenty years old and when the sun is in front my windscreen looks like it has metalflake in it! Can it be polished at all to smooth it?

You need a cerium oxide compound polish. It might not fully correct it but it should look better.

Or just crack the screen and pay £75 to get a brand new one :tongueclosed:
  1.8 Civic EX
Just got my first bottle of AF Tough Coat. Not really been into the whole keeping the car up to standard for a while so a bit out of touch. Perhaps stupidly I didn't get a bottle with a sprayer. Can it be applied by dripping some on an applicator and spreading about or is it best to get spray head for the bottle? Also I'm seeing mixed opinions on how long to leave it before buffing off. Any idea?


ClioSport Club Member
I would definitely get a spray head for it.

As for curing time (I've not used it in ages) I don't think it really needs any specific time, Maybe apply to a panel, Do next panel then buff of first panel?
  Renault 5 GT Turbo
Yeah, a tiny bit on an applicator is the way to go.
Apply a thin layer to the whole car and go back to the first panel. Swipe it with your finger - if it comes off clean, start to remove it. If it smears, give it a few more minutes and try the swipe test again.
It's a great sealant :)


ClioSport Admin
Yeah, a tiny bit on an applicator is the way to go.
Apply a thin layer to the whole car and go back to the first panel. Swipe it with your finger - if it comes off clean, start to remove it. If it smears, give it a few more minutes and try the swipe test again.
It's a great sealant :smile:



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Sorry but had to snigger at that :smile: Unlucky.

You still got the FRP? Never see photos anymore.
Sadly not chap. Had 2 now they have gone through the roof and I want another! God damn rare Fords!

Anyway new black car is s**t, 30 seconds at work and it's covered in dust. On the upside... Hydro lite is utterly awesome!
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
@gally is there much difference in performance between hydr02 and the lite version?

Im still to try the lite version, but see little difference in performance between hydr02 and gyeon wetcoat


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
No just diluted and easy, we're even diluting lite and it's still epic! My boss and a few other bought 5x gallon bottles. They didn't believe the hype until I used it.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
@Rhino172 I would always spray toughcoat onto a foam applicator instead of onto the panel so if you can get a pouring bottle top that'll be fine.

If the spray head isn't cleaned out or emptied after use toughcoat would eventually cure in the head and ruin it so it wouldn't work.

Apply it as thin as possible and apply to the whole car before going back to remove. It makes removing it much quicker and easier than doing it a panel or two at a time.


ClioSport Admin
I only ever buy hydro2 lite now.

It seems to be much better value and performs pretty much exactly the same the the normal stuff.

Can be used as a QD as well apparently (not tried it myself)


ClioSport Club Member
I need to try Hydro2 lite.

I treated the golf to it's yearly clean after a summer of bosni washes it wasnt looking well. Iron x'd it, cleaned, clayed, I gave it a coat of 50cal cover up then another pass with AF tripple and sealed with c2v3. Wheels got a going with WW hot wheels which is great stuff.

Results -





I just cant wait until i move and I can machine polish. Doing it by hand is killing


ClioSport Club Member
Does anywhere stock 50 cal products? Can only find it on eBay which I'm always dubious of, need to order a few different bits so would rather try and get it all in one order.
  Not a 320d
So ive switched over to C2V3 after raving about Turbo Detailer for years. ....... Not sure which I prefer. Both require careful application else streaks, C2 better finish but Turbo better beading, and I think better as a QD also.

And trying a bottle of Gwash as BTBM has run out
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
What's the base LSP you're using it over @Cliotoby ?

I've not used BTBM as I found it quite expensive and needed quite a lot so poor dilution ratio to get over our hard water.

Used to like gwash years ago but recently tried a sample of it recently from cleanyourride and really didn't feel slick at all

If you're using a coating with reload or c2 over it I'd strongly recommend carpro reset! Fantastic shampoo, cleans really well and feels so slick and rinses off well. Tried using it at 1:400 and it doesn't seem to effect beading of natural waxes


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Guys, going to be giving my Clio a proper going over before winter properly sets in. Got some Collinite 845 to see it over until next year but what's the best quick detailer to keep it topped up in between washes?

Quicker and easier to use the better, although I know every quick detailer pretty much is spray and wipe off.
  Not a 320d
What's the base LSP you're using it over @Cliotoby ?

I've not used BTBM as I found it quite expensive and needed quite a lot so poor dilution ratio to get over our hard water.

Used to like gwash years ago but recently tried a sample of it recently from cleanyourride and really didn't feel slick at all

If you're using a coating with reload or c2 over it I'd strongly recommend carpro reset! Fantastic shampoo, cleans really well and feels so slick and rinses off well. Tried using it at 1:400 and it doesn't seem to effect beading of natural waxes

I got drunk Saturday night and among buying random s**t (like a squirrel trap) I bought some more BTBM 250ml. I rate it above any other car wash, mainly because it deals well with surrey brick dust water and doesnt leave anything behind. I actually used gwash once years back when I tried out Wolfs Nano Sealant (which was s**t when i tried it) and it left an odd streaking effect on the nano sealant during washing. Hard to explain. BTBM is expensive but I rekon well worth it.

Base LSP is SRP for now. Beading no different to bare paint, Cquartz/Gtechniq ceramics or over anything else really. Ive ordered some more C2V3 as I ran out as i want more time to test it.
  Not a 320d
Guys, going to be giving my Clio a proper going over before winter properly sets in. Got some Collinite 845 to see it over until next year but what's the best quick detailer to keep it topped up in between washes?

Quicker and easier to use the better, although I know every quick detailer pretty much is spray and wipe off.

Assuming you want decent water behavior and durability a sealant based QD rather than a carnuba one.

Z8, Turbo detailer, C2v3. Sonax BSD. Car Pro reload. Sure there are plenty more.

My pick would be Sonax turbo detailer or C2V3. As I have been discussing on this page C2V3 has a nicer finish, Sonax Turbo Detailer better durability and beading but leaves a grabby finish.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Its expensive or so it seems. But a small bottle has done my car, two cars in work, my partners Qashqai and I reckon there's enough to do them all again. That's after I spilt some too lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Managed to get a layer of G5 on the glass last night. Just in time it seems with the rain we've had today.



ClioSport Club Member
Love that stuff... need to get my winter protection done in the next few weeks.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I like how easy it is to apply, literally took me 15 mins last night. Would like to try G1 but I couldn't bother with all the prep, even if it does last longer. Just wished the G5 worked at a bit lower speeds as it seems to start working at around 35mph on mine, but I don't think there's many that work at around town speeds.


ClioSport Club Member
Ahh G1 is my favourite (So rusty on my products) but yeah I still apply G5 to my Panoramic Sunroof and everyone else's cars as like you say pretty easy to get on and off quickly.
  Not a 320d
I apply G1 once a year. Usually in the spring. Got my windows sealed up the week I got the car. G1 for the front and rears and Rain Racer for the sides.
