Need a bit of help. Got a mk1 phase 3 and wanting to put the RT/16v instrument panel in, with tacho etc. Ive put up a post similar to this before, but im DETERMINED to get this in and working myself, but i just need a bit of help (from one of u kind people) .
Anyway i understand in the phase1+2s its a straight swap and it all works, but the ph3 has a different engine. And i dont have any idea where to wire the tacho to. Someone said about an "electronic distribution module (eDIS). Does it wire to this, where is it in the bay, and how to u do it? All i really need is a pic of the engine with a few arrows as to what goes where and im sorted (if its that simple?). An auto electrician should know what to do
Any help really appreciated
cheers, Phil