So, finally got round to fitting my meggy splitter, air filter and a few other things. Gave her a clean and went to get some photos at a local airfield, very pleased with how they came out and how the car sits, only thing i want now is spacers.
white dezent wheels
lowered 60mm apex
Megane splitter
sub in boot (i love my music, not a chav)
tinted rear three windows
carbon wrapped dash strips and bullets
white rear diamond, black front
mushroom filter (purely for a bit of noise)
And spacers soon to come
Hope you like
Thanks for looking, i appreciate its a bit different, and not to everyones tase, but i like it
white dezent wheels
lowered 60mm apex
Megane splitter
sub in boot (i love my music, not a chav)
tinted rear three windows
carbon wrapped dash strips and bullets
white rear diamond, black front
mushroom filter (purely for a bit of noise)
And spacers soon to come
Hope you like
Thanks for looking, i appreciate its a bit different, and not to everyones tase, but i like it