I wasted a skill magazine thinking it'd be permanent 
Anybody got involved with the stealth super mutants?
18 hours in an my save file is corrupted. Seriously pissed off. Seriously.
"This save game relies on DLC content that is no longer available. Some objects may be not longer available"
Then I continue past that message and get...
"The storage device you selected is no longer available. Load cancelled"
18hours in, already?
I've just got the nightkins out of the rocket factory... Hardest thing I've had to do so far
How are people finding hardcore mode?
Did the stuff in the first town. Killed the Powder gang and on my way to Primm. Trying to be a c*nt but it's not easy.
Did the Wild Wastland trait and it adds some good spooky encounters. Found a skeleton in a fridge with a dandy gambling hat with + for perception.