On this topic I changed the box oil on my 59k 182 this week, and we have done a few others recently. As we know Renault spec the box oil as being virtually life long, but the box oil we take out is often black as night & cloudy/misty, completely shot imo.
Refreshing the box with a good fully snyth oil resistant to the thermal degradation Icarus is mentioning should pre-long the life of a standard box, even if it does not make a noticeable difference to the feel of using the box then & there.
One thing I am interested in is the box cooling. What sort of operating temperatures does an RS box run at under hard use, I assume a lot of the heat is transmitted through the block & then added to that is the frictional heat from the gears themselves? Has anyone experimented with box cooling, even if its just with a front/scoop mounted air source? Now obviously this would make sweet F.A difference day to day that would be noticeable, but the killer question is: on a hard driven car, even a completely track orientated vehicle would a cold air source for the box prolong box life?