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  none :(
if i get the season pass, and the UE, does that mean i get 48 gold packs for UT.
Couldnt get into last year but gonna have a try this year.

if anybody fancies a game online (xbox) add me Bannock83


ClioSport Club Member
Can't wait to start playing an earn some coins.

And Dan what was your record after that many games on 12?

I think my 12 record was 356-30-80
  182 Cup
Some people have already been playing from the looks of the web app, have some other places got it earlier than the uk?
  White 182 Rep
cannot wait to get it tomorrow, it lasts 6 days so it will get me into my beast mode when it officially comes out!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Whats the season ticket all about? Do you have to get one just to play online???!

No. If you bought the season pass, you get early access to FIFA13 - so you can play it from this evening until the 28th September when it will expire (at which point you'll need to buy the full game to continue, obviously). You also get 8000MSP worth of DLC, custom content, early access to many other EA games coming out over the course of the year and 24 FUT packs, too. So if you get the season pass and pre-order the Ultimate Edition, you'll receive 48 FUT packs over the course of the next 24 weeks.
  none :(
might trade a few kinnect games in to get the season pass, then get the full game on friday.
what time is it released tonight.
  none :(
my record on ut was 25-50-30 or something like that, i really couldnt get into it, plus i was s**t, only really had bronze players
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
EA App open and countdown going ready for download. 6 minutes :cool:

Then no doubt another 8 or so hours to download when the servers get raped :(
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Pah. I'm king of Fifa.

6.62GB it is. Been downloading now for about 3 minutes.

0% done. It's going to be a long night.


ClioSport Club Member
EA's download servers are properly gash. Seems to be hit and miss as to how fast it'll go, no matter what speed of connection you have.
  Fiesta ST
I can see me getting addicted to these skill games more than the game itself. Only tried a few and I'm hooked
