Never had much luck with packs in the past but for 2 weeks running, my season ticket has pulled me 2 TOTW players in Michu & Guarin 
If you see me sprinting in the opponents half and I have some space, 90% of the time I'm going to shoot :clap: lol.
Yeah i gathered that :rasp:
Its all good fun tho - we having a few games tonight ???
Il be on but not until stupidly late
Decided to slap the whole of my Serie A team on sale aswell as every other player i have, should get a fair few coins (i hope),
Any ideas for a new one in a diff league ??
Can anyone tell me I there is a modifying route to make a LW to a CAM and if so what it is lol
Why Hazard as a Cam?! Much better options out there!
Nasri, Mata, Cazorla to name a few! Plus its not all about speed as a CAM, passing and positioning are what's key.
Just sold all my players and bought a cheaper team and got rid of my coins!!
had a few games and not had issues with the starting 11 yet (won 5 drawn 0 lost 1 **and that was a last minute winnerlol )
Sold everything, made £150 and built my team with the left overs:
You should be able to click on the player, then click on the player you want to swap them with?!
Or its a good old Fifa Glitch!
Howm any coins did you sell?
With the exception of the spanking you recieved from me lol
Where did you sell them?1.2mil!!! lol
Where did you sell them?
Ebay - easy money.