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Fitting parts on a 1.5 dci

  Mark 2 1.5 dci clio
So im a young clio enthusiast and I've just got a 1.5 dci (03 reg, 5 door) and I was wondering if anyone had fit the sport seats and rims onto a normal clio and if they have any tips or suggestions on how to do it please :) I know the clios can fit a 15 inch rim comfortably but I'm new to this and the closest thing I've done to anything modification wise is on games 🤣

Thanks in advance.


ClioSport Club Member
The front sport seats should bolt right in, as all sports are 3 door, not sure if the rear bench is any different (I suspect not), think it's just the door cards that are different in the rear.
Not sure if you'll get rubbing issues with 16s, but 182 alloys are cheap enough and I'm quite sure they're all 4x100mm and the same bore. Or go for 15s and some lowering springs.


ClioSport Club Member
Thank you mate, I was going to do 15s on lowered springs anyway and there's plenty of 4x100 15s to chose from
lowered on 15s is a cool look for a non RS for me!, This was mine nearly 20yrs ago now when i was 17!
