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Forza 3 Challenge...

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Well I just got a respectable 54.688:).

Puts me 565 (at time of typing) in the world for anyone wishing to check.
There were a few corners that I know I can do better on too....

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
not played it in about 6 months lol. its been off since tonight and will have another go if I get time....
Anyhow to get a time like that you don't actually think I brake and corner when it tells me to do you?;)
  Nippy white cup
Looks like the time to beat...I might have another go later...its soo annoying when you are ahead of the ghost then you don't quite nail the final few bends and it comes flying past lol

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Looks like the time to beat...I might have another go later...its soo annoying when you are ahead of the ghost then you don't quite nail the final few bends and it comes flying past lol

Your not wrong there re the ghost.... I also got a 54.5.. but then realised that I must have clipped the last corner to much on the previous lap so it didn't count. Gutted wasn't the word lol.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Finally decided to pick up Forza again and managed 55:006. I'm so inconsistant with that last corner it's a joke!

Will try and get into the 54's later :)
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
Ooft, I need to get practising. Can't get anywhere near the fastest times. I know where I'm losing some time but can never put everything together into one lap.

Not had my 360 long and only played a handful of times though, so still learning.
  172 Cup
Will be getting involved in this, I hope the next challenge is set in time for me to have a crack tonight.

Hoepfully it will be a front wheel drive challenge ;)

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Right then next challenge:).

Aim: Get the best time.


* Tsukuba Circuit, Full

Car rules:

* Firrari Challenge Stradale.
* Totally Standard Car
* No penalties (!)

Fastest time wins.

Deadline: 11:59PM on 11th July.

Winner chooses the next challenge

Good luck peeps, may the best man win...;)


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Firrari? Sweet. ;)

I'll give this a go later. Craigus, I may be on mate, LJMShambles :)


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I've still only played this online once, need to add a few more of you :eek:


ClioSport Club Member
I'm on now. Seeing if I can better my current lead.

I think there's a 56.9 in there. There's got to be.
  Nippy white cup
Had a blast last night and got a 57.887 but it was getting late so gave up..there is defo somemore in it for me but I had nailed most of the bends so it is sooo difficult to squeeze more out



ClioSport Club Member
Getting close! Got your text! :p

I can't get near my 57.572 now. So frustrating... consistently lapping in the high 57's
  Nippy white cup
Its so annoying when you are ahead by a fair bit on the last straight but on your fastest lap you nailed the final bend....the pressure coming into the braking zone is immense! lol



Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
58:035 after a quick go last night, will get into the 57's tonight. Agree with the last corner braking too, Chris, nightmare to get the line consistant!
