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Forza 4

Favourite Forza 4 Circuit?

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Confirmed, Forza cars still won't sound like food mixers, unlike another franchise I could mention.

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  Black 172 PH2
Sound is so important to me in a driving game.
When your not racing, and you just do a time trial etc, just to hear the car. sad but i do it lol.
  Ph1 172
id like to see a lot more cars for a start. it might be copying but some sort of second hand market similar to GT5's would be good.

imo these are the only areas where GT5 is better, everything else forza walks out in front.
A lot more cars? Forza has 500 at launch and more to come. All the models are the same quality.On GT5 only 200 of the line up are properly modelled. Then sit and remove s**t like the kubelwagen, countless 30bhp kei cars and novelty cars from 1890ish to 1920 and I wonder how many you'll genuinely use?

Don't get me wrong Forza is missing some key cult cars and legendary racers but at the same time it's not carrying as many that you'll never use.

Speaking of which, it has also been revealed that Forza 4′s cars will boast a polygon count of over 1 million compared to 400,000 in Forza 3, resulting in a staggering level of detail that, dare I say it, could surpass Gran Turismo 5 which had half the number of polygons for its Premium models at 500,000. The high poly count makes sense given that you can open every body panel via Kinect, though how this translates in-game remains to be seen

How long did it take to make GT5?

Speaking of which, it has also been revealed that Forza 4′s cars will boast a polygon count of over 1 million compared to 400,000 in Forza 3, resulting in a staggering level of detail that, dare I say it, could surpass Gran Turismo 5 which had half the number of polygons for its Premium models at 500,000. The high poly count makes sense given that you can open every body panel via Kinect, though how this translates in-game remains to be seen

How long did it take to make GT5?

I'd be very wary about detail and polygon counts tbh. Looking at the footage I've seen so far it appears there's still issues with lighting, reflections and colour palette which seem to plague Forza and prevent it from looking as "real" as GT.

I'd imagine the headline numbers relate only to cars in static environments or photomodes rather than in game/race. They employed various LOD tricks in Forza 3 to pretty it up in menu's etc and the cars were less impressive when moving. Not that I'm overly worried as they're acceptable enough and the frame rate kept high was more of a concern when racing than the outright clarity and detail on the cars.
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Realistic Weather and Time (Like in Flight Simulator. Let's say you drive on Suzuka and at that time of day is raining and it's night, then in the game is raining and night), a good damage machine like GRID (a crash with a wall at 100MPH and it's done, wheels to one side, all smashed, engine inside de cabin, etc...) and realistic car updates (How can you in real life put a V6 Engine in the front of the Twingo RS????). Do that and I'm happy...
  Nippy white cup
Yeah the poly count of 1 million isn't going to happen in game but they apparently have redone the rendering/lighting on the game cars which should go some way to improve fm3's already pretty good models. TBH I will be very happy if the photomode is as good as this now looks and the ingame is even slightly better as I had now probs with how FM3 looked in game. GT5 has amazingly realistic graphics but in game this doesn't really show until you look at replays..which is how FM4 will work imo

Realistic Weather and Time (Like in Flight Simulator. Let's say you drive on Suzuka and at that time of day is raining and it's night, then in the game is raining and night), a good damage machine like GRID (a crash with a wall at 100MPH and it's done, wheels to one side, all smashed, engine inside de cabin, etc...) and realistic car updates (How can you in real life put a V6 Engine in the front of the Twingo RS????). Do that and I'm happy...

You won't see grid style damage any time soon when dealing with road going mass production models from such a wide range of manufacturers. A few aren't very happy about their cars being damaged, let alone in the drastic way some games show. You'll have almost zero chance of seeing passenger cell deformation and highly unlikely for heavy chassis rail damage and loss of wheels and suspension components. It's a shame and I would also like to see it but as long as the brands licensing their products to appear in the game are concerned about their image or perceived safety then they won't green light anything crazy.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
The thing I really miss from games like this is the old school hot hatches. No one really seems to give a sh*t about them except maybe a handful of forum dwellers who still long for cars like that; Clio Williams, 205 GTi etc. I'd love to see that sort of variety but it's all about Skyline's and R8's these days.

Sounding and looking great though, nevertheless.
You won't see grid style damage any time soon when dealing with road going mass production models from such a wide range of manufacturers. A few aren't very happy about their cars being damaged, let alone in the drastic way some games show. You'll have almost zero chance of seeing passenger cell deformation and highly unlikely for heavy chassis rail damage and loss of wheels and suspension components. It's a shame and I would also like to see it but as long as the brands licensing their products to appear in the game are concerned about their image or perceived safety then they won't green light anything crazy.



ClioSport Club Member
With the LOD's and other occlusion techniques in place, the models in-game will not be at 1m polys (as folks already mention prior). If they were I daresay we'd be watching something more akin to a slideshow than a silky-smooth videogame. To be honest, I think the poly counts on Forza 3 were pretty good. Much is made of the poly counts in 3D games but it's not the be all and end all. I like the fact they've moved to image-based rendering in conjunction with their global illumination system; the cars will (hopefully) 'sit' a lot more naturally in their environment - be it a screenshot mode or in-game action. Fidelity through clever use of textures, lighting and shadow are the way to go (IMHO) along with great audio.

Suffice to say, I'm looking forward to this one. :D
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R

ARAI helmet :

  Fiesta ST
This is the one and only game i will be buying this year, looks fantastic in them videos and photos. Still play forza 3 most days just doing hot laps etc even after completing the game 100%.
Don't think I'll bother with this game TBH. Racing games are are all getting a bit samey these days, and I'm feeling I need to rebel against the barrage of bullshit pre-renders and massively resampled screen grabs. It shocks me that people still look at stuff and dribble. If consoles continue to hold back the hardware at the rate they are now, it's going to be 15+ years before games have a HOPE of looking like that, and even then you're gonna need super massive HD panels. The classic line is "well actually the image size is 720 so it's the same as the game."

PMSL pull the other one. It's got bells on. The game can't look like, won't look like that, and doesn't need to look like that. It's just internet bragging to fuel the GT vs. Forza war.

It'll probably be well good though lol.
I would assume this will be the last incarnation for the current platform. The 360 is getting long in the tooth (as is the PS3) and I can't really see it being more than 18 months before the replacements appear. Like you say the hardware is well past its best and creaking under the weight of what the devs are attempting to get out of it.
I would assume this will be the last incarnation for the current platform. The 360 is getting long in the tooth (as is the PS3) and I can't really see it being more than 18 months before the replacements appear. Like you say the hardware is well past its best and creaking under the weight of what the devs are attempting to get out of it.

Citting some news from MS, they say that the Xbox will be in service till 2015...

IGN UK The Xbox 360's recently unveiled motion control technology will help extend the console's life span into 2015, according to Microsoft executive Shane Kim.

Speaking frankly about the company's E3 showing in an interview with Venturebeat (thanks, videogaming24/7), Kim said 'We firmly believe that the Xbox 360 has a life cycle through 2015 (10 years after the launch). Project Natal is a great innovation. It will work with every Xbox 360 sold. It's not about pushing more pixels on the screen. It's about how to break down barriers that stop people from playing games.'

So impressive was Natal's debut that Kim believes it gave Microsoft the upper hand against its traditional rivals Sony and Nintendo. 'I think we won,' said Kim when asked how he rated the three company's E3 conferences. 'It's not just me saying that. It's pretty universal. We had something very special yesterday, starting with the games portfolio. We had a lot of content for a normal E3 briefing. But Project Natal doesn't come along every year, and it is very difficult to match.'

Kim also went on to reveal the origin of Natal's name, saying 'Natal is a city in Brazil, which is where one of our key development team members if from. Natal also means birth. We thought it was appropriate for what we are doing. This is the birth of the next-generation of home entertainment.'

But I had the same opinion as you...
In service and lead platform are two different things IMO. The PS2 selling alongside the PS3 is prime example. Until they're about to drop the replacement they're likely to be cagey about release in case it dents sales of the 360. I'd be very surprised to see the 360 as Microsofts only platform come 2015.
I was looking, and if I remember there exists 2 versions of Forza Motorsports for the first Xbox. One normal and one with the box cover overlapped in gold colour, am I right? What is the difference between each one or I'm making a big confusion in my head?
I'm sorry, but Kinect racing looks uber ghey, no feedback FTL.

Not really:


Microsoft's Kinect motion controls may be infiltrating all sorts of games at this year's E3, but the Xbox maker isn't neglecting those in need of a more tangible control scheme. A new Wireless Speed Wheel has just been revealed, with a reasonable $60 price tag and an early October launch date. As you see above, it's technically three-fourths of a wheel, but that does allow for extra green bands of lights to be applied and, slightly more importantly, a set of directional and action buttons to be added to the handles of this steering implement. There's a rumble pack inside for force feedback and a pair of trigger buttons on the underside for smashing the gas or dabbing the brakes.
In Engadget
From memory even NA motors used to do it on GT if tuned enough. Forza 3 some of the cars spit, crack and pop a bit but it's all audio there was no visual flashes of fuel igniting from the exhausts. Nice little touch that adds to driving games IMO.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
The car club/shared garage idea seems interesting. Looking forward to it, I just hope the majority of development ideas haven't been focused around Kinect.
