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Forza Horizon 2 | Xbox one | Xbox 360

I was convinced after the demo that it'd be a game I'd get into (especially with Fifa 15 coming out a week earlier). But after looking at the Photo Mode pics and watching a few videos I decided to get it.

Spent a few hours on it last night and I'm really enjoying it so far. All I've done so far is explore the map and upgrade the Supra, I'll have to start doing some races now.
  Nissan 350z
I really want to play this but I dont want to get it for the 360 and ruin it for myself by playing the inferior version, at the same time I'm not ready to buy a £300+ Xbone just for 1 game. Arrrrgh!


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
No Williams on the 360 version, boo :down:
However, it's still a superb game, even on the old gen console :cool:


ClioSport Club Member
  Valver, Octavia vRS
Its good thats its got the williams.
I've already joined on the group on it.
My name on there is WeeSonic
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
clubs is greyed out on mine, how do you activate it?

Also the upgrades to the willie seem a bit ambitions! mines 348bhp/367nm without a turbo!
  Nissan 350z
I posted this over on clio197 but worth noting before deciding which version to buy:

And taken from the comments on that video:
- The Game runs at 720p 30FPS on Xbox 360, Xbox One is 1080p 30FPS
- The physics are much better/realistic on the Xbox One version compared to the Xbox 360 version (Xbox One uses the Forza 5 Physics but they made it a little easier but not too easy, still feels realistic with all assists off, Xbox 360 version uses the same Forza Horizon 1 Physics which weren't all that realistic, they were still ok though)
- There is no weather on the Xbox 360 version
- There are no car meets on the Xbox 360 version
- Xbox one has 220 cars right now, Xbox 360 has 197 cars right now
- There is no tuning in the Xbox 360 version
- There are only 500 events on the Xbox 360 version, Xbox One has 700 Events
- The cars are fully detailed and remodeled on Xbox One, Xbox 360 only has ported cars from previous games
- There are way more loading screens on the Xbox 360 version (Obviously)
- There is no grass on the Xbox 360 version (meaning there is no Foliage System or whatever you wanna call it)
- Multiplayer has no traffic and only 8 players on the Xbox 360 version
- This is only a rumor but there will not be any DLC for the Xbox 360 version (RUMOR)
- Drivatars are not on the Xbox 360 version (Obviously lol)
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
This game is a graphical masterpiece.

The attention to detail and lighting is incredible. It's also got the best rain effects I've seen in a game.


North East
ClioSport Area Rep
Also worth noting you can do the bucket list in a party - I was playing with a friend last night and we went round doing them all - you get combined objectives - pretty damn cool.
Yeh i want to try some of the party stuff. Road trips as well.

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Ive joined. We need a few more people in there.
Anyone want to have a road trip next week some time ?

I created a club
There are 50 odd members, might be worth joining the 2 together?
Can't get enough of this game :)
