woke up this mornin feelin good coz it was my last day at work before my holidays to magalluf opened my mail only to find i was summond to court in the 7th of july for speeding on the 14thdec got caught doin 96 in a 70 or 60 not sure what it was but it was on the A483 a dual carrageway nr wrexham.so what should i do go to court in wales when i live nr bolton or should i plead guilty on the letter and send it off with 3 letters 1 of my boss sayin if i loose my D/L i will loose my job,my dad is writen a letter sayin if i loose my job he will have to kick me out coz he has just been made redundant and cant afford to keep me in the house n my mate sayin if i loose my job he looses his coz he cant get to work,and will send off sum police cadet forms sayin i have passed the police cadet course n that to make it look good!!so what do u think i should do?and what will i get?