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  RS Clio 172
I played the demo the other day and after my xbox breaking the other week I started having real GT5 urges... they soon went after playing the demo.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R

Indeed. Decent summary of that here :

- The IRL will join the NASCAR Sprint Cup and the World Rally Championship as third high-profile series license in GT5.

- GT 5 will include over 1000 cars, all of which will be having a fully modelled cockpit-view

- Both night racing and weather effects will make their debut in a GT-series title

- All cars will have deformation damage, race cars will be having detachable parts and interior damage visible in cockpit view too

- GT5 will run in 1080p HD resolution at 60fps, maxing out the Playstation 3’s abilities according to Polyphony Digital

- The game will include both classical petrol-powered cars as well as green approaches including hybrids and fully-electrical cars like the Tesla Roadster

- The game’s online mode is planned to support up to 16 players

- No word on the planned US/Europe release has been given


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Does this mean if I hit a barrier at X mph it will actually be realistic and I won't be able to continue with just some paintwork damage?
Why wouldn't they release the IRL and NASCAR as separate downloads? Everyone that loves GT will buy the game and I can't see someone buying for those series alone. By making then downloadable content they would surely make more money?

I think sometimes games can be just too big.
i have given up waiting for it

they can have all the cars they want

all the tracks they want

day/night what ever

its too late - everything special they had planned has been annouced for years and forza will have just taken the best bits

nothing will be new or ground breaking

sony admit your s**t
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
f**k it. I've changed my mind, I am gonna buy this. The idea of buying an Xbox for one thing is absolutely ridiculous. And I do need something like it im my collection. I suspect the problems will still exist on release, but hopefully they'll release a couple of patches to sort them. Sure I'll still enjoy it. And a holiday is definitely more important than an Xbox, lol.
  Mito Sportiva 135
The new Duke Nukem Forever?? Forza 4 will be out before this at this rate! I just can't see really apart from maybe better graphics what they could do to trump Forza 3, which is amazing. Having a billion cars won't help things...
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
It will be joyless.

Like i'll give a s**t when im sat in the sun, by the pool, and getting pissed at lunchtime, lol.

I'm going to put my neck on the line and say it will be awesome:D

As valid as any other opinion in this thread based on heresay!

Only thing with all these delays I may be an old man upon release!
It will be a petrol heads wet dream. Right up until you start the race.

Hearsay or otherwise, I personally think it's incredibly unlikely that the driving model will be improved over Prologue & Academy. It may well be a great game if you're a casual player with a massive telly and a PS3, who takes no joy from IRL spirited driving, and/or you've never played a proper simulator such as those found on PC, and more relevantly here, Forza on x360.

It will have its place and will please many many gamers. Sadly, they probably won't realise how good a proper driving simulator really can be.


ClioSport Club Member
Physics still look guff, to me. Plus... TYRE SQUEAL! Really. Have they not learnt?!

Like Roy, I'm sticking with my story that it'll please people who aren't into cars. If everyone else played F3, they'd be wanting a lot more from the GT experience.

I really do want it to be good though, since I'm a retired GT fanboy.
aye, i only based my comment on visuals, the ring vid visually was better than FR3 but whether the guff prologue physics are gone i cannot say :(
  Fiesta ST2
@christopher - I can understand that but we'll see what its like when it comes out.. if you look over the last 3 months all the different things that have been shown off confirmed I think there maybe a lot more to come? I kinda hope so. either way i'll be buying it as i've bought every other one. if it is shite ill buy a xbox 360and FM
@christopher - I can understand that but we'll see what its like when it comes out.. if you look over the last 3 months all the different things that have been shown off confirmed I think there maybe a lot more to come? I kinda hope so. either way i'll be buying it as i've bought every other one. if it is s**te ill buy a xbox 360and FM

But what they really need to be showing off is what really matters - the physics. You can pretty a game up as much as you like, but if it doesn't drive well, it's fucked.
It needs to. The tyre squeal in Prologue sounded like it was taken straight from Pole Position. Not to mention that it's only purpose was to signal understeer on/off.
  Fiesta ST2
I agree about the tyre squeel and the tyre marks but I still think(hope) it'll be a good play! I'll just have to wait :(


ClioSport Club Member
I think Prologue is crap. Handaling is so poor doesn't feel real at all. Two minutes on that and it made me realise how amazing Forza is.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I think Prologue is crap. Handaling is so poor doesn't feel real at all. Two minutes on that and it made me realise how amazing Forza is.

With a good wheel and seat combo Prologue is excellent fun and much more realistic than with the standard controller.
