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  Nippy white cup
Again the replays look amazing but the footage of the ring doesn't look that fantastic (and yes I know it is a poor quality off tv vid)....also only 8 cars on track?



ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
With a good wheel and seat combo Prologue is excellent fun and much more realistic than with the standard controller.

Muchly agreed, logitech G25 makes prolouge alot better hehe best xmas prezzie ever :)
  A silver one
Looks fantastic. If this does ever come out and if it is (shock!) anygood, it'll still get slated on here by everybody that has already condemed it.
Nah if it's good it's good. It's already been condemned based on all the evidence so far pointing to it being s**t. If the final game actually drives well then I'll buy it.


ClioSport Club Member
With a good wheel and seat combo Prologue is excellent fun and much more realistic than with the standard controller.

After spending the sort of cash needed on those elements I'd be thinking should I have just done the same with Forza though.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
After spending the sort of cash needed on those elements I'd be thinking should I have just done the same with Forza though.

Have both then you get the best of both worlds. I think the graphics look good in the video linked to above and with the wheel I know the gameplay will be excellent. The only issue is will this game ever be released during my lifetime!
  Fiesta ST2
Again the replays look amazing but the footage of the ring doesn't look that fantastic (and yes I know it is a poor quality off tv vid)....also only 8 cars on track?


think its already been confirmed to have full 1080p with 16 cars on track both offline and online has it not ?
  MKIII 138
Steering wheels always make a racing game better but it shouldn't be s**t without one.


i got a g25 for crimbo. using it on the PC on an oldie game called LFS and also GTR2 it makes the whole thing a lot more imersive,

i agree that until you try LFS or iracing on the pc you havent really experienced a proper simulator.

forza is pretty smart though il definatley say it strikes a good balance. and for arcade fun nothing beats PGR4
  Citroen DS3 DSport
The years-in-the-making Gran Turismo 5 has been delayed. The game was slated for release this March in Japan, but publisher Sony Computer Entertainment announced today that the game's release date is now TBA. In an official release, Sony stated the release date will be announced at a later date. The company also apologized for any trouble that this delay has caused.
GT5 was first announced at the E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles back in 2006. According to GT series creator Kazunori Yamauchi, Gran Turismo 5 has cost $60 million to make. The game will feature over 1,000 automobiles and 20 different locations.
The game was playable in 3D at the recent CES show in Las Vegas. Sony previously announced it was shooting for "Summer 2010" for a Western release. No word on how this delay will impact those plans.
  1.2 Dynamique billabong
maybe they discovered that gt academy was crap compaired to forza and therefore have started the game from scratch lol (ps i own both ps3 & xbox - no fanboy here lol)
  Nippy white cup
think its already been confirmed to have full 1080p with 16 cars on track both offline and online has it not ?

Yeah I thought so but it is weird that those vids only have 8 instead of the full 16...maybe the improved 'physics' is more processor hungry...they have confirmed the release date a few times so anything can happen imo

  172//Crap Micra//Bus
So what now? All this time, and they've realised its still not what its supposed to be... so they've started from scratch using 3D? I seriously can't understand how it can still be going on when apparently the game was really for release months ago. why would they even show it in 3D?
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I gave up looking forward to this a long time ago, if it is ever released then great but if not then I can live with that too.

Time to stop wasting time specualting over GTFail and buy Forza3.
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
I've said this several times now, and I'll say it again. I am not spending in excess of £200 for the sake of one single game. The idea is ridiculous, and I can safely say I don't find the xbox appealing in any other way. All I want is a decent driving game for the console I own. Why is it proving so damn difficult? Id like to see Forza go for a dual platform release tbh. Some competition would see us all benefit.
The game doesn't exist as anything more than what we've already seen. No way could development go on so long. It's not financially possible. I reckon it was canned years ago and it's been kept secret in order to keep people buying the PS3. It'll be delayed again and again, and then Sony will announce that it's so amazing that they need to release it on PS4 to make use of the 5D graphics. c***s.

That's my explanation anyway.

The silly thing is that even if it was released tomorrow, Forza 3 would rinse f**k out of it. PWNT.

TBH This thread should just be locked and reopened if and when the game is released so that at least accurate opinions/facts can be offered rather than all this bullshit speculation.
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
Why Was GT5 Delayed in Japan?
January 13th, 2010 by Jordan

As the news of GT5’s Japanese delay spreads across the web, one question persists: why? Here’s a closer look at each of the three possible reasons:

1. Production Issues
News service Reuters reports that Sony has cited “production-related issues” as cause for the delay. However, if that’s true, this news must be coming as a surprise to Kazunori Yamauchi and his English translator. In his latest interview, filmed just four days ago, neither hesitated to confirm the March release window when it was mentioned. What catastrophic “production-related issue” could have unexpectedly occurred over the last few days to justify the postponement?

2. Gran Turismo 5’s Influence on Sony’s Financial Reports
Here’s an interesting theory put forth by the Times Online newspaper, whose “analysts” cite Sony’s corporate fiscal calendar to support their reasoning. Personally, I believe this theory has the most credibility – never underestimate the importance of financial statements to large corporations and their shareholders. If it is so important, though, why was this not taken into consideration before the March date was originally settled upon?
Analysts suspect that there may be a strategy behind the delay and that Sony is working to spread the effect of a strong games pipeline over a longer period. The recent Japanese launch of Final Fantasy XIII shifted many more PS3 consoles than expected and performed beyond expectations outside Japan.
If Sony felt that it had already met its console sales targets for its 2009 financial year, analysts said, it might want to push the GT5 launch back a little so that the frenzy surrounding its eventual launch would boost sales in the 2010 financial year. The company may be confident that titles such as God of War 3, Dark Rain and Bayonetta will keep console sales relatively buoyant through the spring period.
3. Worldwide Release and Marketing Decisions
While the misleading Google translation suggesting a worldwide release was discredited, this is still a viable theory. In statements to VG247 and Eurogamer, Sony Europe confirmed that “This information on the GT release is only applicable for the Japanese market,” implying that the North American and European release dates will not be affected. It is also important to note the several different sources who provided GTPlanet with information of a planned worldwide release long before the announcement of the March date established a sequential release schedule. With this in mind, the thought of Sony going back to their original plans looks a little more plausible. Regardless, Sony’s waffling on such a high-profile title is inappropriate.
As you can see, despite evidence for each theory, none provide the clear-cut reasoning we’re looking for. Yamauchi’s comments discredit production issues, while Sony’s indecision and oversight of financial issues makes for a lot of head-scratching. What do you think?
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TBH This thread should just be locked and reopened if and when the game is released so that at least accurate opinions/facts can be offered rather than all this bulls**t speculation.

The joyless driving isn't speculation. It's opinion based on what has been offered so far. I'm sure if Sony/PD didn't want people drawing conclusions about the driving model, then they wouldn't have released two teaser versions of it. It's a simple case of put up or shut up IMO. I'm impartial personally, but all the evidence so far points to it being s**t. It really is that simple. There's no allegiance or loyalty needed TBH.

LOL at locking the thread. Is it offending you? :eek:


ClioSport Club Member
Exactly. Of course we all want it to be good!

It's just that the evidence shown and the "previews" we've played show it to be well, sh*t.
Roy remaining impartial - do us a favour lol! Ill informed maybe but never impartial.

Of course I'm impartial. I have no allegiance to any of the consoles. I've already said if it's good I'll buy it. I own a PS3 and I love it, but that doesn't mean I'm speculating when I believe GT5 will be s**t. I'm basing my opinion on my own experiences of the GT5 driving model. Ill informed? I was ill informed when I decided the handling is s**t? Thanks for setting me straight. I must have a word with my opinion later.
Given the Game hasn't been released yet Roy and tbh is unlikely too, how pray tell have you played the GT5 driving model??!! And no neither of the afore mentioned games especially the 200 meg dowload have any relevance to the actual GT5 model which so far only journos have played??
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
Although you may have a point, your wrong. These things have been released to showcase what the game will be like, and capable of if it ever actually gets released. Whether PD admit to that is another matter. But from what I understand, Acadamy was released to showcase the 'New, Improved' Physics model, but aimed at the GT Acadamy effectively as a scapegoat. Although it is slightly improved, it's still not right and I believe that's what Munson is getting at. And, in my honest opinion, is why the game is still having delays and being put back further, and further. Why else... that's what the whole game is based on after all? I'm with you that the game hasn't been released yet, so nobody really knows what it's like. But, from what we have been shown, and the "improvements" that have been demonstrated, it's hardly moved on. And for a game that's been in development for so long, that's incredibly disappointing... which leads people to think what more can be done. Don't get me wrong, i'll still be buying it. And i'm sure certain point's will be updated and improved, but how much better can it possibly get?
Some of you need to get a grip! It's a f**king game! Lol. That AVF thread is pathetic.

Brazo, you're possibly the most biased person on here! Lol. Do you have shares in Sony/GT by any chance?

The demo is going to be a good representation of how the game will be. How you can call Roy biased I'm not sure. He's got a PS3 and said he will buy it, if it's good. If it were McBunny saying the same I would agree with you. As he's almost as much of a fanboy as you!
Given the Game hasn't been released yet Roy and tbh is unlikely too, how pray tell have you played the GT5 driving model??!! And no neither of the afore mentioned games especially the 200 meg dowload have any relevance to the actual GT5 model which so far only journos have played??

The 200mb download didn't include the driving model/engine/source code? They left some out?
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