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how different is a 172cup to drive versus 182?

  172 Cup
Negligible difference mpg and performance wise! You won't be able to survive a 172 Cup as it has no ABS, no man ever has!
  R26.r #156
My 172cup was awesome.... about 42mpg long drives, 32/35mpg short blasts.

If you don't mind the 'reduced' interior its a good buy...

I went then to a Trophy and that was the next step up really, the handling was scary good and the engine pulling is relentless. Not sure on a standard 182.

If you have the money get a trophy if not then the 172cup either way will be a good choice....

  R26.r #156
I had the non-ABS moment in my Cup and too my amazement I remembered to cadence brake!!! saved my plastic front end from destroying itself on a lorry....!!

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
If i could turn back time... I think I would have spent 4k on a mint cup. rather than tieing 5kup in my 182 + modding it.

Also, less to go wrong in the cup and they are SLIGHTLY faster. Only downfall for me was finding someone to insure it with who was reasonable. Insurers don't like the fact it has no ABS.
  Nissan 370Z
thanks guys!
just the interior on them seem so rubbish!
my best mate was wondering, i myself am getting a 182 in a month or so...but you can get cups pretty cheap atm.
hopefully if my mate gets one he might let me have a drive.

surely with winter coming a 172cup is asking for disaster?


ClioSport Club Member
thanks guys!
just the interior on them seem so rubbish!
my best mate was wondering, i myself am getting a 182 in a month or so...but you can get cups pretty cheap atm.
hopefully if my mate gets one he might let me have a drive.

surely with winter coming a 172cup is asking for disaster?

Not really, just be sensible when it's when.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Drive like a TIT in any car - RS or not in the winter and your heading for a bush. Not a good bush either.
  Nissan 370Z
ha..hopefully it might be trimmed.
i know what you mean tho, drive like a t**t and you ask for trouble.

tbf...the price of cups arent that low..cant find a mint one with a few decent mods for like 4k.
  Renaultsport 220T
the cup is timid, dont worry. Just get some nice chairs for it and youve sorted it

Timid? is that why you sold yours. The swift is more timid than ur cup.

Having driven both, the 172 cup is much more on edge than a std 182.
But the 182 will be more refined.
  clio 172 phase 2
Never driven the 172cup but have owned a 182 and phase 2 172. The 172 and 182 are near identical in every way imo.. Can only imagine the 172 to be sharper more driver focused raw etc...
  S3, Polo
surely with winter coming a 172cup is asking for disaster?

ABS or not, if you drive like an arse you *will* crash.

Keep your car tip-top, don't skimp on decent rubber, drive according to the conditions and you *should* be fine... ;)
My 172cup was awesome.... about 42mpg long drives, 32/35mpg short blasts.

Thats what I can get from mine. Have managed once to get high 40s when driving behind a lorry on the motorway at 56mph. Doing 70 on the motorway will easily return at least 40mpg

Hardly ever drive it like that though. Low 30s when hooning it is common.

Has always been great on fuel.

Just the lack of ABS has caught me out on a few occasions.
  a green 1
from my experience but I have a 182 maybe a cup will have 10% more mpg but imo its doubtful - normal driving will see 29-32mpg, mway if you reset the trip will give 35-38ish mpg, spirited driving have seen below 20mpg when the trip has been reset
  LY 200
from my experience but I have a 182 maybe a cup will have 10% more mpg but imo its doubtful - normal driving will see 29-32mpg, mway if you reset the trip will give 35-38ish mpg, spirited driving have seen below 20mpg when the trip has been reset

Jees do you have an overfueling problem or do you just drive it like its stolen at all times? ;)

I hardly touch a motorway yet mine is sat on this pretty much all times and is reset before every tank....


I cant see a cup being any better or worse if driven the same tbh!
That seems right for a "normally" driven 1.2 (my girlfriends old 1.2 16v avarage 42ish which is good for AVERAGE). However I can't see how a 182 can average 42mpg over a tank unless it's filled up and just run on motorways/quiet a-roads at steady/slow speeds. I think normally it'll still see high 30s/almost 40mpg at a steady, constant, 70mph cruise.

Current 182 has an long-term average since buying it of 34mpg and is never thrashed, my girlfriend drives it to work and back, plus other bits of driving, don't live far from motorway so economy not badly affected by town traffic so an average of mid 30s is perfectly acceptable for a 2.0 petrol engine (and pretty good I think). I think gettting into an average of 40s with a 1#2 requires some very careful driving all the time, not even generally smooth driving would result in that IMO, it requires even more committment than that I reckon!

Scott S

ClioSport Club Member
  172 Flamer & ER-6F
My trip computer hangs around the same areas as JayR has mentioned. Actual calculation of (best estimate of) fuel used over (indicated) distance travelled gives a lower figure, but overall still impresive for a 2.0l petrol.

I drive 4miles each way on work days (I drive to my m8s house and get a lift from there), the car is cold most of the way so I take it easy. The rest of the time, it's likely I have my kids in so sensible it is.

I have had a couple of blasts, where the mpg has dropped, but tbh it's only to be expected.
  ITB'd MK1
That seems right for a "normally" driven 1.2 (my girlfriends old 1.2 16v avarage 42ish which is good for AVERAGE). However I can't see how a 182 can average 42mpg over a tank unless it's filled up and just run on motorways/quiet a-roads at steady/slow speeds. I think normally it'll still see high 30s/almost 40mpg at a steady, constant, 70mph cruise.

Current 182 has an long-term average since buying it of 34mpg and is never thrashed, my girlfriend drives it to work and back, plus other bits of driving, don't live far from motorway so economy not badly affected by town traffic so an average of mid 30s is perfectly acceptable for a 2.0 petrol engine (and pretty good I think). I think gettting into an average of 40s with a 1#2 requires some very careful driving all the time, not even generally smooth driving would result in that IMO, it requires even more committment than that I reckon!

a 1.2 on the m/way is working far harder than a 2.0

I've seen ITB 182s run 40mpg
  Fiesta ST-2
Sensible driving not on motorways 37/38mpg, normal I'd say 34/35mpg, having fun I cant see how anyone can get below 30mpg without treating the roads as a trackday.

Yeah you can reset it straight before you have a blast and it will probably be 20mpg -if you see that as some sort of bragging figure but it will average out to over 30mpg on atleast on a tank.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster

My 182 is better on fuel than my 1.2 ever was. 40mpg all day long. and mines not even mapped properly for the mods.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
thanks guys!
just the interior on them seem so rubbish!
my best mate was wondering, i myself am getting a 182 in a month or so...but you can get cups pretty cheap atm.
hopefully if my mate gets one he might let me have a drive.

surely with winter coming a 172cup is asking for disaster?

I've driven my williams for the last 4 years in winter and not died - infact the 172 is the first abs car I've owned and I hated it last winter!

I'd rather have no abs in winter to be honest!
Thats what I can get from mine. Have managed once to get high 40s when driving behind a lorry on the motorway at 56mph. Doing 70 on the motorway will easily return at least 40mpg

Hardly ever drive it like that though. Low 30s when hooning it is common.

Has always been great on fuel.

Just the lack of ABS has caught me out on a few occasions.

Low 30s when ragging it?

Low 30s is a good figure for me for round town driving if im driving economically while I could get 15-20 mpg when driving enthusiastically, It went down to 12 mpg once for a couple of minutes.
  Rusty Cup
the only time ive seen less than 25ish mpg is when im doin 3 figures on the motor way n reset the trip computer, normal driving sees 32-35 all day long.

Although im sure if i did the maths pertol/miles done i bet it would be less than 32-35 lol
a 1.2 on the m/way is working far harder than a 2.0

I agree with a 1.2 working harder on the motorway, but up to around 70 the 1.2 is more economical, start pushing it over that and the mpg drops loads whereas the 1#2 tail off less dramatically. Round town the 1.2 is hugely more econmomical vs the 182 though.

I still can't see, under normal driving how a 1#2 gets within 1 or 2 mpg of a similarly driven [steadily] 1.2. It's certainly not been my experience! (averages of 45mpg for the 1.2 and 34mpg for the 182 which is still impressive considering).
Having driven both, the 172 cup is much more on edge than a std 182.
But the 182 will be more refined.
To what? An Austin Princess?
Lets face it the interior was an afterthought across the range.
More plastic = more rattles FACT!
  LY 200
That seems right for a "normally" driven 1.2 (my girlfriends old 1.2 16v avarage 42ish which is good for AVERAGE). However I can't see how a 182 can average 42mpg over a tank unless it's filled up and just run on motorways/quiet a-roads at steady/slow speeds. I think normally it'll still see high 30s/almost 40mpg at a steady, constant, 70mph cruise.

Well it is a 182 and it isnt driven solely on Motorways and A roads......The proof is in the picture my friend ;) and i can assure you its hitting between 38 and 40 most of the time!

I am running a Superchip and BMC but even if that only gives an extra couple of miles to the gallon it still seems to outweigh the norm on here so im wondering if im just less right pedal happy that most!
Jees do you have an overfueling problem or do you just drive it like its stolen at all times? ;)

I hardly touch a motorway yet mine is sat on this pretty much all times and is reset before every tank....


I cant see a cup being any better or worse if driven the same tbh!

It amazes me the amount of people who get a 'hot hatch' and then manage to achieve 42 mpg with it:O do you ever go above 2000 revs? :rasp:
  172 Cup
cup after 220 miles.. still had over half a tank left!

I'm not looking forward to winter and the black ice though as i've already span it out in the dry on a b road at about 65 mph, not very much fun in the wet either, but man if you keep it away from the slippery edge you're laughing, and if you don't mind owning a noisy, unrefined rocket then the cup is the one to go for.

Some mornings you just don't need it.


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  LY 200
It amazes me the amount of people who get a 'hot hatch' and then manage to achieve 42 mpg with it:O do you ever go above 2000 revs? :rasp:

I have my 7k moments from time to time but that is just it, from 'time to time' and when the time is right.....You cant do it on many roads these days!
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
I've had both cups now 172 more wind noise and they are twitchy but so is the 182 just the wider rubber hangs on better. Mpg was better in the 172 cup about 30 with all types of driving but didn't do much less with full on thrash, the 182 you can get down to the teens. Not even sure why cos they ain't that different. Oh and 172 cups are quicker cos of the shorter gearing and I never had a problem about it not having abs I actually don't like it on my 182 it's too intrusive for me but depends on ya driving style.
I've had both cups now 172 more wind noise and they are twitchy but so is the 182 just the wider rubber hangs on better. Mpg was better in the 172 cup about 30 with all types of driving but didn't do much less with full on thrash, the 182 you can get down to the teens. Not even sure why cos they ain't that different. Oh and 172 cups are quicker cos of the shorter gearing and I never had a problem about it not having abs I actually don't like it on my 182 it's too intrusive for me but depends on ya driving style.

Talking of ABS, never experienced the ABS system in the 1*2s but in other cars I really disliked it because of that horrible vibrating feeling you got through the pedal, personally it made me inclined to take my foot off the pedal.
