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I need your help ladies and gents


ClioSport Club Member

My brother has very almost bought a very very very lovely Scooby Sti now the thing is he needs to get a insurance quote on it but Tescos, Elephant and confused have all said they wont until hes 25!

My bro is 23 with full no claims (5 years), with no points so surely somewhere will insure him?

If you lot come up with some good places you might help a young lad have a nice drive in 295bhp scooby.:D


ClioSport Club Member

Will try them three in a mo.

I want him to buy this car so bad cus i know itll be my next car.


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by Glennclio16v on 20 September 2004

Also try
Yep tried them but no company would quote him because hes under 25 which is a bummer!


ClioSport Club Member

Aww thats a nice list! lol

Pitty hes set me the task of getting a quote. But it should result in me having a nice drive!
