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installing head unit and phonos


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
havin a major nightmare these last 2 days with the simplest of tasks!
typical renault pain in R-se to do the easiest jobs!!!!
installed all of stereo equipment. ripped half my arm off gettin power lead to inside of car via bonnet release grommet.
then easiest part of pluggin in the phono leads to back of head unit - without phonos the head unit slots straight back in, with em in its a diff matter. cos of quality french design there is minimal room to slot head unit back in with phonos plugged in so when it does eventually get forced in with phonos attached head unit locks into cage the phonos get bent too much as pushed against plastic behind head unit and break so no signal/intermittant signal to amp and therefore sub!!!!
so irritatin. anyone else experienced this? can u get phonos with shorter plugs or am i gonna have to start hackin away at plastic behind head unit??


i cant see how this is a problem just feed the rca around the back of the din slot out of the h/u's way i had no trouble with my alpine and i have three rca an aerial, iso loom not being used and a dc converter now that's a job to fit;)


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
feed the din slot into the back of the thingymajig?! sorry i not 100% wat all that means. cheers anyway. maybe its cos my head unit is a panasonic and the phonos are on the right hand side of the car? gonna have another go tomoro anyway.
  Megane 225 Cup
mate, if you look at it there is space under the slot for the wires to go, just poke em down there and push the stereo back, my headunit has more fuses and wires than a power station on the back of it and it went in easy enuff.


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
yeah cheers i know wat u mean. i have pushed all wires down there, the only problem is that maybe the phono sockets on back of head unit arent recessed into the hu enough so when i plug the leads in they are hittin some sort of black plastic frame in the dashboard and so bending the phonos too much and the core must snap.
theres no obstruction from other wires, just the back of the dashboard isnt deep enough with this particular head unit. might have to sell this head unit and buy a different one. brand new aswell!!!!


  big fat japanese bus
i ahve a huge problem My alpine has loads of leads and also the stalk controlls however I found a nice gap to the right of the slot that the RCAs can go down without taking up too much room
