Renault Clio 172 Ph2
What insurance companys are people on here with, renaultsport owners only please???
I just had a 995 quid renewal quote - and I am 24!! Thats AWFUL.
I got a years extra no claims and its gone up by 350 quid, ive tried a few more and no avail! lowest I got is 750 which is still way to high! Aiming for about 500 max
What insurance companys are people on here with, renaultsport owners only please???
I just had a 995 quid renewal quote - and I am 24!! Thats AWFUL.
I got a years extra no claims and its gone up by 350 quid, ive tried a few more and no avail! lowest I got is 750 which is still way to high! Aiming for about 500 max