I prefer iPhones because it is an all in one piece of kit, it is my:
- Phone
- Email device
- Diary (can BB's sync multiple google calendars? Nope just iPhones!)
- Golf GPS Device (the nearest on the market is £300 and no where near as detailed)
- mobile TV
- Control of my Media PC (using win remote it controls keyboard and mouse)
- Sky Remote
- Sat Nav
- Car music player
- Free message device (using Ping!)
and soon it will be my remote for everything IR and connected to my network in my house.
I like iPhones cos I'm a geek and I like techy stuff. I'm sure the BB is a great phone, but I want a phone that does as much as it possibly can do to a) save me carrying around 15 different devices around with me, b) costing me losts of money to buy different devices.
For me, paying £87.11 for the phone is a pittance because I have directly saved money for the stuff I use it with (Golf GPS, SatNav, Google Calendar software, MP3 player for my car, wireless keyboard and mouse for my Media Centre).
Not knocking the BB at all, just for me its not as good as the iPhone.