I think I must be the only person that actually thinks iOS6 is brilliant.
All 1 new feature of it?
Is that "duncaster" picture real?
Is that "duncaster" picture real?
I think I must be the only person that actually thinks iOS6 is brilliant.
I've had non of these problems with calendars and maps etc.
thanks dude, going to try a cloud restore first i think, the reason i was going to do an iTunes backup was to get the camera roll back on there as I'm not syncing that with the cloud as its too big, but then I'm wondering whether i do want the 7gb of pics and vids back on the new phone, i like scrolling back to events, but it makes my backups so big.Yeah the back up doesn't affect the firmware, so it will just dump your profile over the new user profile on the 5.
No clue if there's a limit on the amount of devices you can sync, if there is though I'd have thought it would be substancially higher that four devices.
Mine is here! Slightly disappointed with the slate back as it looks a lot more blue than the original pictures!.
Still very nice
Yep.Did you go black?
What are my chances of walking into cpw or apple and getting the phone today?
I'm sure there must be more to IOS6 than I have discovered!
for some unknown reason, bolton (where his location is) actually has decent satellite imagery.....How can you not have had a problem with maps when it's a global issue? Are you saying when you look for Doncaster it doesn't say Duncaster?
Yeah I just took it! Madness.