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iPod compatible stereo with cradle


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Hi all,

New to this car my clio, hasnt got a stereo so Im wantint a head unit.

The most important thing is I also want a stylish iPod cradle, that doesnt look stupid, facing me in the driving seat.

So any recommendations on that would be great.

Then I'd need a head unit compatible with said cradle (do they transmit the audio??), if not, what would I need.

The last thing I want is wires dangling about, and want it to look nice. tidy and be 1/2 decent, cant be bothered burning loads of cd's only to have to change them all the time.

Many thanks
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
get yourself to halfords :)

we've got quiet a few decent ipod stereos cheap at the moment with free fitting :D

We'll put the cradel anywhere you want and also hide the ipod lead to basically anywhere. I just have mine in back of glovebox!
