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ISO adaptor - Cup

Is a 2003 Clio fitted with an ISO adaptor that avoids the need for splicing into existing cables when installing new head unit - ie: is it simply a case of unplugging OE head unit and plugging in new (probably Pioneer/Alpine). Ive been looking at and it implies its this easy - if using a wiring adaptor from the manufacturer of the new unit.

For those who have ditched the OE unit, whats involved in hooking up the new head unit ?

Id guess so.....

erm why dont you check, take your new head unit, take ya headunit out and see if the plug fits....
  Clio II and Grand Modus

All new shape clio´s have iso connectors, and I think all Reno´s have had it since early 90´s
  172 Cup

No it means you basically plug the iso plug straight into the head unit. Thats the whole point i.e no more adapters.
  Clio II and Grand Modus

Quote: Originally posted by scooby stu on 26 October 2004

So this means its simply a case of unplug OE unit and plug in new unit with manufacturers adaptor fitted, right ?
Yes...........Almost all H/U´s have a different socket/ connector but the cable is iso and will "plug and play" into the car iso-connector!!!
