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itb 182 rolling road...

  ph1 clio
Hi all!! well met up with tom of off here to have the cars rolling roaded, as you may no i have recantly fitted an i.t.b kit, with omex 600,

wont say toms results...

my resuslts were 179 before being mapped, as originally they came of a 182 with simular mods, but as we all no each engine is differant ;)

i ended up with 193bhp after mapping wich i am mostly pleased with!!

will post a few piccies in a min... (uploading to photobucket)

  ph1 clio






ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Sounds amazing and loving that flame. Who did the fitting and mapping btw? Also your figure sounds realistic unlike some others ITB results on here!
  ph1 clio
Sounds amazing and loving that flame. Who did the fitting and mapping btw? Also your figure sounds realistic unlike some others ITB results on here!

Cheers! Fitted myself dude, am a renault tech so have the tools ect, not even a hard job had it done in 3.5 hours ;)

Mapped by tcs performance in birch-hanger wizzard with stand alone systems :)



ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Cheers! Fitted myself dude, am a renault tech so have the tools ect, not even a hard job had it done in 3.5 hours ;)

Mapped by tcs performance in birch-hanger wizzard with stand alone systems :)


Awesome, the install looks pro to me :)
  ph1 clio
haha! i did type in what i wanted but then it changed to that! now i cant seem how to change the title lol!

tried my best to make it look good, still a couple of little things to do

  Mazda 3 MPS Mk1
Looks brilliant mate and 193 is not to be sniffed at! What torque did you make and at what RPM??

If you have a graph stick it up mate :)
Not really a shite set up :-s and for Elz mapping he charge 70 and was on the rollers for nearly 3 hours.
Matey at tcs is a ledge !! I paid 35 and did about 15-20 runs!
His maps and rollers are the top notch and cheapest around by far!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Looks and sounds great.

I agree on the fuel pipe though, at least get a cable tie on it, lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
You've got me thinking about ITB's and cams now ......sounds and looks lovely mate good work. How does it drive now compared with standard?
  HBT 172 Cup
I made 201bhp yesterday however i dont run PAS or Air con, the losses involved in these would tie in with the slight decrease in output on gardner's car IMO.
