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Jekyll's RB182 Progress Thread


ClioSport Club Member
Scotland was amazing! Travelled up on the Sunday, and met Alex (old furum member on here, cant remember his username) on route and met @Jon46 at the motorist for a bite to eat before we headed to Amble for our overnight stay in a hostel before leaving for Scotland on the Monday morning. The roads, scenery, guys I went with, etc was awesome. The whole holiday was. We did pretty a close route to the NC500 but with our own added routes. We camped every night barring the last night where we stayed in a hotel. Weather was pretty decent also, having rained only on one night but had cleared by the morning and rained on and off 1 day but was also sunny so it dried up quick. We did lots of good eating at food stops and bbq's, saw some wicked scenery, went swimming on the beach, and just had a brilliant time. I'll upload pictures but they are in no particular order. The RB performed faultlessly too. Even helping out a fellow camper and with Steve's @MrBlonde car once he had some alternator issues. Did a total of 1731 miles from home to home.


ClioSport Club Member




ClioSport Club Member
We left Scotland for home around 10am and decided to take the scenic routes back and few stop offs along the way. Steve unfortunately broke down halfway with an alternator issue (we thought it was a drying battery at the time) so I drove the the nearest halfords (30mins away) to get a battery as we thought it was that. It worked great until we stopped off at a services and then he broke down again. The others had gone on, me and Steve stayed and waited for the RAC which was appalling service. Called them at 8:30pm and still nothing at 3:30am for which I left Steve to go home. I think he got picked up around 6am! I got home with the fuel nigh on empty and went straight to bed!


ClioSport Club Member
Once back from Scotland i started to look at a kit i had my eye on for a while. One thing that prompted me to buy the BCs when I did was a found a chap that made conversion kits for the rear shocks to make them a full coilover. In fact I had a picture saved of his kit months before I made the purchase.

Once I was back from Scotland, I decided to drop him a message and get the ball rolling. Now I'm not saying the BC separate shock and spring on the rear is bad, it's not. But I like the idea of full coilover units and im led to believe that it'll handle better still.

A few messages back and forth and I ordered the kit. I opted for a 225lbs spring on the rear as its still a daily. This is what I had on some gaz units I fitted years ago. I was I. Between 225lbs and 250lbs but glad I went with the softer of the 2. In fact I contemplated 200lbs after fitting but I've decided against that now.

Turns out the seller is a old member on here but not sure how active he is @Hutchie

Ordering was easy, well communicated and descriptive. Parts arrived quickly also. Once they did arrive, I got them fitted and played about with the heights until I was happy and took it for a test run. They do look snug in there but they clearly everything so all is good. Its definitely stuffer on the rear and feels more flat. A old purchase I think 👍



ClioSport Club Member
I've been meaning to get some coilover covers for a while but was waiting till I had the full coilover units up and running before I did so. Found this company that did them and also custom sizes which was ideal. Also, I was going to just go with black like before, but saw they did camo and fancied something different.

They arrived quickly and the quality is very good. Im impressed. I went to the garage and took the shocks off and coated them in some ACF-50 before fitting the covers to the shocks and fitting it all back up. The covers do actually work so makes sense to keep them clean, especially if using the car daily over the winter. I also quickly washed the inner arches before the refitting.

All done and there's a few recent pics of the RB. I've just ordered a new rear number plate light housing and mine has the clipped snapped. I recently had the fog light coming on when selecting reverse to which points to a earthing issue. I took the earths out and cleaned them along with the rear clusters and number plate bulbs to clean the terminals. This is how I snapped the housing as it was brittle. A new genuine one should be here soon so I'll fit that up when

Also, as @JamesBryan pointed out, the Aux belt looks a little worn. It's only 2ish years old but once the new one arrives, I'll fit it for peace of mind.


ClioSport Club Member
Stunning pictures of the Scotland trip, looks like bringing jump leads wasn't a bad idea 😂

I'd be interested to know how you get on with the bc rear kit, I've been looking at the bc kit myself and the main thing from buying it was the fact that I'd rather have a full coilovers system as well.

Which front springs did you get and how much did that rear conversion set you back if you don't mind me asking?


ClioSport Club Member
Early in December myself and Steve @MrBlonde took some pics of the clios in a spot not to far from his house. With an idea we got a from a picture years ago, we got some gask masks and dressed up in overalls and took the pics. These was just for a bit of fun.


The new belt arrived so I fitted that not long after.


I also bought a new rear light cluster as my bulb was blown and the old housing clips snapped upon removal to change the bulb.



ClioSport Club Member
Was driving home from work one day and could hear a slight hissing noise. Pulled up, turned off the car and turned on again and it was revving erratically at about 3k. Turned it off and restarted again and the same thing happened. Put it into first and drove it a few meters before it lunged forward so I stopped it there and investigated.

I had some electrical spray with me so I thought it may be dirty plugs but upon removal of the throttle body, it was obvious what the issue was.

I dropped Alex @ AW Motorworks to see if he had a spare on available, to which he did. So I drove up and collected it the next day. Gave it a slight clean up to remove a bit of oxidation and excess oil inside the butterfly and fitted it and we was back running normally again.


When doing that I noticed my passenger side light was out. Luckily I had a few spare so I changed them. When doing so I had this issue:


Adjuster had broken. I found a thread on here which indicated that BMW E39 5 series ones fit. I found a set on ebay with quick delivery so I ordered them and fitted them once they arrived. I followed the guide in the video that was posted in the thread and it worked a treat. Easy fix for £3.
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ClioSport Club Member
Said thread with the video which i found to be helpful.

And these where the adjusters I bought.

Pic showing my temp fix before the replacement adjusters arrived. I didn't want to fit the headlamp back loose as i was unsure if this would dazzle other drivers and/or break something more, being hinged on what was left. A bit of wire through a loop and masking tape and it held it perfectly!

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ClioSport Club Member
Que this weekend just passed and I went out early on Saturday. Came back and started the car and it was squealing from the engine. Sounded like aux belt, but I knew I'd replaced it recently. Then I see smoke. So I turned the car off immediately and opened the bonnet. Wafted the smoke away and then I see the aux belt ping off. Having no idea what happened, I gave AW Alex a quick text to which he asked if the pulley on the alternator was able to spin. After it had cooled down, I checked and it was seized. He said that was his first thought as he's seen a few alternators in recent months fail. But because I ordered my new one from him days before our Scotland trip, he said he would swap it under warranty as it was only 4 months old. He even offered to have the car collected if I was stranded but luckily I was parked in a safe place. He ordered me one on the Saturday morning along with a replacement belt and both came Monday morning. After work I drove to his place and collected them, then drove back home. I decided on route back to fit it that night and get the car working again asap, as its a bit of a pain being car-less and car sharing with current work/home schedule.

From getting to the car, getting tools out, old belt and alternator off and new ones on, was 30mins, which I didn't think was bad, considering it was dark and cold and I wasn't trying to go fast.

This one is a Gates belt and Napa alternator. I've no experience with the gates belts but I know there common. The Napa stuff I've experienced before and never had an issue with there stuff, on my car and others. My seized alternator was a Bosch one. When I first fitted the bosch, it used to "whine" with the revs which I thought was little odd as my old one didn't. But this Napa one is silent again.


Once the old alternator was off, I managed to spin the pulley but it's not smooth as you can hear and see in this video, compared to the new one.



And the mileage now with the new belt fitted.


Got a few current pics of the car when I dropped off the seized alternator back to Alex for return/warranty claim. Car hasn't been washed since the gas mask pics and is in dire need of it. Lost a little love for it recently, I have to admit but I plan on washing it this weekend so I'm sure I'll get a little of the love back.


Have to say, excellent customer service from Alex as per usual. He went above and beyond to get me some parts and help recently and it was very much appreciated.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Lucky with that aux belt, mate. Could have gone while the engine was running and spat it into the cambelt.

Do you have the plastic splash guard behind the front grille fitted? They protect the alternator from excess water ingress.


ClioSport Club Member
I gave AW Alex a quick text to which he asked if the pulley on the alternator was able to spin. After it had cooled down, I checked and it was seized. He said that was his first thought as he's seen a few alternators in recent months fail.
One of these was mine!


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Car's still looking good Mark.

Saw your story on Instagram and decided to get a NAPA alternator for mine as it's smelt a bit burny for a while now, so reckon it's time for a new one. Just need to get the belt ordered as well. You have aircon and everything done you? If so, i'll just go for the same Gates belt you've got.
