i was told by tesco today that my k&n air filter adds 10% power increase to my standard clio!!!! and they want to charge £260!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
makes me wana cry its such a rip off, i doubt it would add 5% let alone 10, and to charge 260 for it is day light robbery, rape, slaughter and kick in the teeth.
they told me if i can prove that it doesnt add 10% it will cost less to insure. so i need to get a garage to write a letter. or get a standard 16v filter and air box thingy. ( what do they sound like standard)? also does anyone know the % power increase k&n claim? if it works on bhp 10% is about 15bhp inscrease, wft!!?
does anyone know of an air filter that doesnt add power but makes a clio sound sexy?
i hate TESCO , i think we all should
regards, cliosport is great