No no, you're missing the point. Im not arguing AWT vs GDI, if GDI had made the breather I have, and I had the same set-up as yours, I'd agree that yours was much much neater, and better designed to do both jobs that its supposed to; Be a better oil breather and a coil pack bracket....
The thread is about how neat the Ktec install looks and you go all pissy when it was compared to the cars next to it, GDI.
SO yes, you hippocrate, it is getting boring.
sorry, i just assumed you disliked the k-tec car's bracket as its similar (the same item) to the GDI. i do apologise. I guess its what i am used to around here.
but like its been said, each to thier own. no need to try and be clever, boy.
I said it could be better. Did you miss that or were you blind with rage about someone saying the cars next to the K-tec one, looked badly finished? Boy.