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K4M Project Blog

I'm sorry mini-valver but I can't resist - it's just too good not to share!!!!


I'm impressed he found a nine pin to 15 pin adaptor though - what's that, old EGA to VGA adaptor? LOL

Seriously though I'm not being harsh to the lad but that's some quality micky taking opportunity that I'm not going to pass up!



PMSL! I went to Maplin with my laptop and asked for a serial lead to connect to my ECU, thats what he gave me. I'm far from Bill Gates, lol. I'm going to go to Maplin in a bit to get a USB to serial adaptor and tie him to the ceiling from his willy wih my monitor lead :eek:


New lead, new USB adaptor, STILL cant get Comms. Pulling my f**king hair out!
  alien green rs133
pmsl it will run, if you can get leads mixed up doesn't give you much hope for much else tbh

*waits for "yeah it runs"*
**k4m sunday meet anyone??**


I dunno what else to check TBH, aside from that things are getting power and trying to connect to the ECU, no idea. Hopefully Icarus will have more of an idea, he's a machine!

If it's mechanical, I can fix it. ECU's are out of my league though. No experience what so ever and tech support is hard to come by with aftermarket stuff. I want it running yesterday so it frustrates me not knowing what to check and whats wrong.


Had a nightmare installing the driver for it actually, it doesnt support Vista so i had to download a driver off the net. It says its working correctly on COM24 but tried verifying the connection on Megatune but it just says no response on COM ports 1 upto 30 before I got bored clicking.
  White Sti Hatch
Im asuming your starting up a Programe on the laptop to connect to the ECU ! ?

Right click on the apps Icon and go down to Properties, Click the Tab Compatibility.

Under Compatibility Mode tick the box "Run this programe in...." leave the drop down box as Win Exp SP2

Down the bottom of the box under Privilege Level tick the box "Run this program as an administraor"

Click Apply then Ok....might work better after that no promises though !


Do I need to do that for the serial-USB driver or the Megatune ECU programme, or both?
  ITB'd MK1
New lead, new USB adaptor, STILL cant get Comms. Pulling my f**king hair out!

major issues with USB to coms converters, there's loads that wont communicate with ECUs. Omex sell one that works I believe. Andy Uses a PCMCIA adapter with dual coms and it's very reliable, not sure on the make
  Clio Trophy/Boxster
Pleased you have a renewed vigour and determination to see this through to completion Mr Valver, I’d seen the car at Bens on several occasions, would have been shame to break the car not see this through to completion.

My father has a project that has been off the road being redesigned/re-engineered and restored for.....

12 years!

  Audi TT 3.2 V6
Lol Dont tell Dave his misery is likely to span over 12 years hell be driving that car of a bridge next time its up and running.

Chin up mate, be worth it once its all up and running again.


12 years? Epic build, lol!

Had a few hours on the car this afternoon when OllyTB came round, was good to have a fresh set of eyes to go back through everything I'd checked, found a couple of things and got the laptop to work and the fuel pump to prime and run as normal when ignition live and cranking. Now have working injectors and a working loom bar the coilpack. Odd that loads of faults have come up at once, just by pulling up at work! Away with work again this week so I'm determined to get the fucker running next weekend. While I was at it, I stripped al the AC rad from inside the heater blower housing to see wjat it weighed before I get either a cup blower or do a Burpspeed mash up of bits. Still undecided TBH.

AND, had to work all friday so couldnt pick the spacers up. Another job for the weekend.

Massive thanks to Olly for coming over and all the comments about the car. Much love :p x
  alien green rs133
i had a coilpack go on my car, put a new one on and that was faulty, so third coil was the lucky one, we found reason first one had gone, the wiring loom had chaffed on the clip that holds it to bracket on back of the block.


I dont think it will be a dead coilpack, I'm more inclined to think its some sort of freak wiring issue as there's no power there now. Didn't have time to look into that aswell though!
  alien green rs133
why am i always waiting, waiting for progress on this bad boy and my k4m still hasnt arrived, ohh well give me more time to hover car i suppose
