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Lacquer peeling I think :( help..........

  Titanium 182
I stumbled across this problem on this very cold evening, it seems some lacquer is peeling away on the rear quarter above the window, it's formed a funny shape. It looks absolutely horrible :( the lacquer peel is only a few mm's in size. Definitely was not there 2 days ago. Any ideas on what I should do? Thanks.

  Mec 350 slk manual
For that mount i would have got a paint stick & lacquer from renault & cleaned it up but depends on you ,
i have a little on the roof on mine but to do a proper job its window screen out and total respray for a top job
  Titanium 182
Ahh I see, I'm such a fussy sod that's the problem. Do anyone know what those wavy line like marks are? As they aren't peeling? I assume they will in time?
