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Leeroy's Clio 182 Trophy 25/500

  Megane r26
Cracking trophy, loving what your doing to it. little touchs but still remains original, same way i'm going with mine. Out of interest have you got a link for those wheel bolts, my standards have started rusting an really lets it down. Cheers
  Titanium 182
I bought them off a mate buddy. But if you look in the group buy section in for sale part of CS there should be one there pal.

Thanks for the comments.
  Titanium 182
Some new bits and bobs

  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Do those CS seat covers fully cover the back of the seat too? Any chance of a pick of them from behind?

I need to get some that stop stuff in the back from scratching the back of the trendlines when we are loaded up going to trackdays.
  Lotus Elise
I really am, I miss the playfulness of the handling and the fact every now and again it would pop and bang.

On the whole, I the prefer the Porsche but only just. Trophys are the best clios. FACT!


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Yours makes me want another mate. Love it.

Can't believe how much difference the new numberplate light makes!
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
35 on their ebay page, and yes they have confirmed to me they cover the back too.
Reason we want it covered is we tend to load up quite a lot of stuff into my mrs car when we take that and my turbo to trackdays together as hers sits a little higher so less likely to bottom out when full of trackday junk (all the tools and spare wheels etc)

Cool, thanks.
