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MarkCup's Fiesta ST

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Not much use if it just calls 999 and puts you on loudspeaker in that situation though?

I assumed it would just send the location to the emergency services once a crash has been detected. But yeah, if that happens, then that's useless.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm now sat in the repairing dealership awaiting a hire car from my insurers. Me and Megan are both fine, it was relatively low speed maybe 15mph max and it was a proper shock for her so some tears followed. She's gone off for her school sports day now though and she's fine.

Me? I'm just hoping they can repair it and repair it quickly. Service manager thinks so long as the insurance company don't f**k about approving the repair that I'll get out back in time for Goodwood. He had a good look at the boot floor and thinks it's definitely repairable.

Would I want it repaired? Compared to the alternative absolutely I do.

The alternative is taking £10k to the high street to buy another 40k mile ST. Given that I know how mine has been driven for every one of those miles, and also knowing what the majority of ST owners drive like having one that's been abused, had the clutch ridden, driveshaft and CV joint issues, no thanks. I'll have mine back repaired by Ford thank you very much!
Sorry to hear about the accident. Hopefully not much hassle comes from it.

I'm assuming you had your dash cams running? And therefore the other party has had to admit full fault? In which you'd hope to only be without the car for 2-3 weeks.

It's when the other party start arguing whose fault it was which wastes most of the time. But I guess it can still massively depend on how long the repair shop need to order parts, paint and fit etc

Any pics of the damage? 15mph doesn't sound much, but when you are stationary it's a fair bump. I had someone go into the back of the Clio at about the same speed.


ClioSport Club Member
I've just watched the footage back and it may have been a bit faster, 20-25 mph, didn't see any evidence of him slowing down at all!

So I'm sat at home waiting for Enterprise to come and collect me to take me back for the hire car...I've requested an EcoBoost Fiesta and the lady said she should be able to sort me out with one which is excellent news.

As for Ford SYNC, immediately after impact it dialled the Ford SYNC support team and a woman answered asking me what had happened and how I needed assistance. I explained the situation to her and she then put me through to the emergency services. It was dispalying lattitude and longitude coordinates on my dashboard screen while the call was in progress so I guess if they get no response as the driver is unconscious they can access those coordinates and send assistance. It seems a pretty good system and useful to have given how many unlit narrow and empty country roads I drive on in the winter.


ClioSport Club Member
Ford sync uses the phones gps system to determine where you are, just like it uses your minutes etc. to call the sync support team.

Hope everything gets sorted mark, glad you're both ok at least


ClioSport Club Member
My car doesn't have GPS so it has no way of telling anyone where I am, doesn't have a phone either so can't phone anyone.

Unless my phone is connected in which case it has the required information

That black box houses the light sensor for light and rain sensor (driving aids on the focus too)
  Megane R26
You'll be cutting it close getting the car back in 5 weeks, took 2-3 for the girlfriends car to be book into the garage then 11 days for repair.

Although every claim is different so who knows


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Sorry to hear that Mark.

Accidents happen they need not be a hassle if dealt with properly. If you don't have that kind of repair back within 5 weeks I'd be concerned what kind of place is repairing my car.

Once the parts arrive on site that's a pretty straight forward repair. Even call it 10 working days.

If you can get a copy of the estimate in pdf form I'd be more than happy to have a look over it for you Mark via email.

On another point quite a lot of cars have that accident assist stuff. Had a 408 last week that did the same, owner had no idea what was going on. Seems the Ford one works really well.

Good luck getting everything sorted.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Given that it's not your fault, aren't you entitled to a car of similar level to yours? When a guy went into the back of dad's 996, he ended up with a 997 for 3 months.


ClioSport Club Member
It is, his insurers are picking up the tab.

I had a Fiesta, I've got a Fiesta. ALL gadgets except heated seats and LED running lights are just happens to have less that half the power which is no trouble at all as what it has is more than enough toget from A to B.

It makes the prospect of getting back into mine very very appealing!


ClioSport Club Member
A quick check tonight of the Zetec's tyre pressures shows the inability of anyone to get them correct on Fiestas isn't just confined to the ST.

Standard on the Zetec should be f31 and r26. It came with f40 and r46!

I'm looking forward to giving it a proper run to work tomorrow to see what it now feels like...I expect a bit soggy and mobile.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I had mine set at 36f 26r when I took mine in for a service I thought I'd check, they bloody put them at 32 all round!


ClioSport Club Member
Swapped my tyres around today. They were fitted one week before Goodwood and have covered 1,200 miles so far.

Tread depths were

FL 5.5mm - 6.5mm FR
RL 7.0mm - 7.0mm RR

Ouch. Goodwood took 2.5mm off my front left.

I've edited a couple of short videos...fastest lap of the day and an unfair tussle between me and a Goodwood virgin;



ClioSport Club Member
I've passed 42k miles now, nothing to report. Chart and cost update is overdue so I'll get that updated later.

I almost had to make another call to the insurance company last night...



ClioSport Club Member
So it's been an uneventful few months, rapidly approaching 46k mile in it now, still enjoying it. New job from next week means annual mileage will drop from 18k to 11k which means I'll be happy to hold on to it for longer than originally planned.

With that in mind I grabbed this in the annual 12 days of Mountune promotion...

Going to fit all except the exhaust, sports cat, and cam timing adjustment myself, should have it all done in time for Surrey Rolling Road in February.:smile:


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