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Mk1 185 Clio Racing Blue Hybrid

Yesterday i fitted all the seals :)


Getting dark towards the end!

Today the body panels :).





Both of the doors are nearly finish. A few of the plastic things on the rods have broken so running it cardless for the time being. Just glass and outside seals and their done :).

Rear bumper on so back end is done bar install the rear glass.

Dash is in with everything connected :).

Start mechanical work soon!
Its going to be bare for the track which is perfect really :p



Made a stupid maistake of forgetting to colour code the bloody engine mount!! Also didn't use the gearbox I wanted to use (valver jb3) which meant using the mk2 gearbox mount/ battery tray which I didn't get powder coated.
Will have to take it off after the track day and paint in :)


Tyres being fitted :)

Fitted the rear glass by myself quite chuffed :D. Then spoiler on.

Scuttle and wipers on the windscreen

Engine bay with half the scuttle intake

Front bumper with yellow fogs! Love it!

Old bumper donating its splitter

New bumper with splitter on the car :)

And the not so great panel gap between the headlight and wing :p


Will have to hammer that into place!




Got the stupid thing ready for my trackday at bedford on march the 25th and it was cancelled :(.
Why do we have snow at march for!!! This time last year it was lovely warm :)
​Today i fitted the bonnet badge ph1 baby!, and grill and a play under the bonnet because the battery light was on. Went away after i too it for a little drive.
Back seats are in and changed the front seats runners for ones that have black plastics.


Also found a chip in the paint on the arch where my sister clipped it with some gardening equipment. Annoyed but its going to happen so better get used to it tbh :(.
Today I...
Tweaked the exhaust so its not blowing or banging.
Undersealed the front arches and fitted arch liners on.
Bolted a few bits and pieces on.
And gave it a wash.




ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
You have a lovely car, your attention to detail looks superb!

(Were you drunk when you fitted that rear number plate??)
New as in pressed plates? Nah not really, happy with the plain standard look.

Today I....
Bought lots of velcro!
Used it to fit my new rear number plate
Fitted the front door handles so I can open the door easier till I sort out my little mishap.
And was going to fit the retro kick plates till i saw how scratched they were so going to polish them before fitting.

Also my front badge fell off so ordered a new one :(.

Scratchy kickplates

New numberplate

Old numberplate
​Today I.....

Fitted my brand new phase 1 bonnet badge.
Now have music in my car thanks to fitting 4 speakers. (1 each door and 2 in the dash)
Have a door card on the passenger side with no leather card yet though :(
Can lock the car after finding my key!!
Windows go up and down safely after fitting the plastic retainer things to hold it onto the motor.
Have a outside temperature gauge after fiddling with the wires




Thats it for now more tomorrow :)
Bedford done. Anglesey next!

Car performed lovely on track. The AD08's didn't burn off or anything. Perfect tyre if you wanna rock up to a track and drive back home with no tyre change.

Brakes were good as usual with the CL5 pads in :).
Changed the brakes back to normal.
Will give it a oil change and spark plugs as it had a misfire every so often and I had realised I haven't changed them since I got the engine haha :p
Not going to change anything for anglesey tbh. Balance is perfect for what i want. May make the camber an even 1.5 both sides with 0.2 toe out :).


Copied and pasted from another forum so all a bit out of date.

Two parcels came today. One being the hub of Bubs & Co and the other being the spark cover off paul.

Got them both fitted today

And also found out the reason as to why my car would takes ages to heat up and loose water slowly.

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After Anglesey track day the engine blew up. Managed over 200k miles!!! So I was chuffed it made it that far tbh.

Head and block seperated

Drilled many sumps bolts off the c***s!

Hosed the swarf off so it doesn't fall into the engine.

Sump off

undoing tings!


oh no metal in sump!

Main ends off

how a bigend is suppose to look like.

well theres your problem!

mainend shells

back from machining

Test fitted as the f****ed bigend runs a Mercedes bearing!!

Anyone spotted the problem in the last picture. Good thing I checked everything twice
Also never build a engine hung over! Snapped a oil ring and apparently I had the last 4 in the uk and theres none in belgium so a volvo one maybe suitable!

Block at its current condition.

The crack/chip in the oil ring. Fail!

Also this spark plug sits much high that all the others but it feels tight on the socket. May need a tap going down it.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Stunning looking car in that colour, REALLY suits it :)

The plug might be where its been previously repaired with a heliciol and its not sat low enough too, although like you said might be something simpler.
Nearly done. Just add gearbox oil, gearbox mount when it turns up, Air box and change inner cv gaiter on the drivershaft and its ready to drive
Also fixed my drooping headlight


Engine bay

Bumper on

Nearly there!!

Gave the engine a little run in yesterday
. Done about 75 miles, feels really tight still.
Took it up to about 6k revs now. Develops a slight misfire but felt pretty good

Heres one of many stops where the car stalled and wouldn't start again due to the piston rings!


Drives lovely atm. Starts first time. Just if it stalls or is hot it wont start again so have to see why its doing this.

Picked up a ph1 interior on Saturday so today i decided to fit it

Ages the car loads compared to the leathers but you cant beat a ph1 interior!

