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Mk2 172 styling tips needed!!!

  172 berg, Fabia VRS
Got myself a 172 a couple weeks ago and wana do it up abit looks wise :) any tips or advise would b great!! Cheers or and its a standard 172 in iceberg silver if that makes any difference :/
  clio 172
ive got an iceberg 172 m8 and all i av done for the moment as i am on a budget is wraped the badges and bullets in carbon fibre(well i say carbon fibre i mean the 3m vinyl wrapping, its easy to use and cheap)
Spray the badges
Aero wipers
Silvervision indicators
Clear side repeater if it hasn't got them
Colour code the strips on the doors


ClioSport Club Member

IMG_5745 by fletcher10, on Flickr

I liked how my car used to look.

Trophy turinis
Clear side repeaters
CF splitter
Cup spoiler
